Training Course - Nadi, Fiji
15 to 20 January 2007
Last updated: 07 November 2006
Background of the Training Course
The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea has invited Governments of small island developing States of the Pacific region which are also Members of SOPAC, namely the Cook Islands, the Fiji Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu to nominate participants for the regional training course on the “Development, Implementation, and Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)”, which is being organized by the Division and the International Ocean Institute's OceanLearn. The course, which is organized in collaboration with the Government of Fiji and the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC), will take place in Nadi, Fiji Islands, from 15 to 20 January 2007.
The participating States shall
nominate up to two Government officials with relevant expertise who are involved
in the development, establishment and management of marine protected areas. In
this connection, the Division would like to emphasize that the training course
will provide an in-depth analysis of the legal, technical and scientific aspects
of the selection, development, establishment and management of marine protected
Requirement to receive financial assistance
Financial assistance will be provided through the Division’s Train-Sea-Coast Programme to only one participant from each of the above-mentioned States, in the form of travel and daily subsistence allowance for the duration of the course. The second participant would be at the expense of his/her Government.
Nominations for the training course shall be submitted to the Division through the Permanent Mission to the United Nations as soon as possible and no later than 17 November 2006. Nominations shall include:
a) a letter of nomination
from the Government;
b) the completed application form;
c) the curriculum vitae of the trainee, including date of birth; and
d) a photocopy of the personal data page from the applicant’s passport.
The application form is available
below in electronic format and it would greatly facilitate processing if the application could be submitted
both in the official, signed hard copy and electronically. Please submit electronic
format in an email to
Training course materials
Please find below the application form for the training course on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The document in MS Word format is a "form" requiring you to type in the grey box. This should be sent electronically to DOALOS@un.org If that is not possible you can print the application in PDF format, fill it in and fax it to the Division.
Draft Course Outline
Submission of applications
The official submission of the completed application form for training together with all required documentation must be made through the Permanent Mission to the United Nations of the State concerned to:
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
Office of Legal Affairs
Room DC2-0450
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
To expedite processing, please also fax: a) the 2-page application; b) applicants curriculum vitae; and c) copy of page of passport containing personal information to +1 (212) 963-5847. Please also email an electronic version of the application form to DOALOS@un.org
This site is prepared and maintained by the TRAIN-SEA-COAST Programme of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS), United Nations, New York. It may be used and reproduced freely by giving acknowledgment to the DOALOS, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. This is not an official document.
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