NGO Participation in the Durban Review Conference and Preparatory Process
More than 300 civil society organizations are participating at the Durban Review Conference and played a crucial role in the preparatory process. Photo credit: UN Photo/ Pierre Virot.
Non-governmental organizations are among the stakeholders specifically called upon to help implement the Programme of Action agreed at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR). In recognition of the crucial role they play, NGOs are encouraged to participate in the Durban Review Conference and its preparatory process.
NGOs must be accredited in order to take part in the Review Conference and its Preparatory Process. Accredited NGOs can participate in the process as observers.
Accredited NGOs participating in the Durban Review Conference are requested to take note of the following information:
- Information brief for NGOs
- Procedures and Rules for NGOs at the Review Conference
- Inscription form for NGO list of speakers
Conference Room XII at the Palais des Nations will be available for NGO caucus meetings or other NGO deliberations during the conference. NGOs may reserve Room XII by filling out the forms available below. Room booking requests may be faxed to: +41 (0) 22 917 0326.
Accreditation to the Durban Review Process
Automatic Accreditation
NGOs are automatically accredited to the Durban Review Conference and its preparatory process if they are in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
NGOs that were accredited to take part in the 2001 World Conference against Racism (WCAR) are also automatically accredited unless questions were raised by Member States in the Review Conference Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) about their participation in the Review Process. These NGOs were asked to provide further information to the PrepCom, which then took a decision on their accreditation. The decisions can be found in the reports of two substantive sessions of the Preparatory Committee.
The deadline has passed for new accreditation applications
NGOs that do not fall into either of the two above categories were able to apply to the PrepCom for new accreditation. However, the deadline for new accreditation applications from NGOs (February 10, 2009) has passed. Therefore, NGOs that are not in consultative status with ECOSOC, who are not accredited based on their WCAR accreditation or who did not apply for accreditation before February 10 will not be able to participate in the Review Conference and its preparatory process. Applications received between the October 2008 session of the PrepCom and the February 10 deadline will be considered at the next session of the PrepCom, from April 15-17
Full text of criteria and arrangements that will be applied to ensure a wide participation of NGOs at the up-coming sessions of the PrepCom, as decided by the PrepCom in August 2007:
Decision PC.1/2 -
List of non-governmental organizations not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council that were granted accreditation to participate at the WCAR and whose accreditation to the Durban Review Conference and its preparatory process was not questioned by any Member State:
List of organizations
All participants at the Durban Review Conference are required to register in advance of the Durban Review Conference. Registration for the third substantive session of the Preparatory Committee (15 – 17 April 2009) automatically implies registration to the Durban Review Conference and vice versa.
Participants are required to register in order to expedite the process of issuing security passes; participants should register by sending a letter listing the names of the representatives to the Secretariat at or Fax: + 41 (0)22 928 90 50. The deadline for registration is 30 March 2009.
The registration letter must comply with the following requirements:
- It should be submitted on the official letterhead of the organization;
- It should clearly state the name of the organization that wishes to attend, e.g. "Name of NGO, in consultative status with ECOSOC / accredited to take part in the 2001 WCAR / newly accredited by the Preparatory Committee, wishes to send the following members to attend the (insert Preparatory Committee and/or Durban Review Conference. Although registration for one implies registration for both, this information is important for compilation of lists of participants);
- The letter should be signed by the President or the Main Representative of the organization;
- The letter should also indicate the full name/s (first name and family name) of the person/s who will represent the organization at the Preparatory Committee and/or the Durban Review Conference:
- Names of persons must appear exactly as they appear in the ID document;
- Family Name(s) must be capitalized.
Upon arrival, participants should proceed to the Pregny Gate of the Palais des Nations to complete the formalities to receive the badge. Participants are advised to ensure they have a valid identification document with them in order to facilitate issuing of the badge.
The deadline for registration was 30 March 2009.
NGO attestations
NGOs that are accredited to the Review Process may need formal letters of attestation for their visa applications to the Swiss authorities. Depending on whether or not the NGOs are in consultative status with ECOSOC, the process for acquiring letters of attestation is different:
- Attestation for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC
Representatives of NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council who have registered for a meeting in the context of the Review Process and who need attestations for the purpose of visas, can request one, at least 10 days in advance of submitting their request for visa to Swiss authorities in their country, by contacting the NGO Liaison Office of the United Nations Office at Geneva:
NGO Liaison Office
Office of the Director-General
Room 153
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: + 41 (0)22 917 1304
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 05 83
In order to avoid delays in issuing letter/s of attestations, NGOs must provide the name of the person(s) who will be applying for the visa in their request for attestation.
Attestation for accredited NGOs not in consultative status with ECOSOC
Representatives of accredited NGOs who are not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and who need attestations for the purpose of visas can request one by contacting:. They must provide the name of the person who will be applying for the visa as well as the name and address of the organization that the person will be representing at the Durban Review Conference. Participants are requested to note “Attestation” in the subject line of any email communication requesting a letter for attestation.
It is strongly advised to contact the competent Swiss Representation in your country well in advance to inquire about documentation requirements and the time needed to process visa requests. For general information, please refer to the website of the Federal Office of Migration:
Any questions regarding the registration process should be directed to
Practical information
The Mandat International website provides practical information to facilitate visits to Geneva, including advice on reasonably-priced accommodation. OHCHR is unable to provide direct assistance in this regard.
Electronic Bulletins for NGOs
OHCHR, which serves as the Secretariat for the Durban Review Conference, issues regular electronic bulletins of updated information for NGOs on the Review Conference and its preparatory process.
All queries should be addressed to the Durban Review Conference Secretariat.
- It should be submitted on the official letterhead of the organization;
- It should clearly state the name of the organization that wishes to attend, e.g. "Name of NGO, in consultative status with ECOSOC / accredited to take part in the 2001 WCAR / newly accredited by the Preparatory Committee, wishes to send the following members to attend the (insert Preparatory Committee and/or Durban Review Conference. Although registration for one implies registration for both, this information is important for compilation of lists of participants);
- The letter should be signed by the President or the Main Representative of the organization;
- The letter should also indicate the full name/s (first name and family name) of the person/s who will represent the organization at the Preparatory Committee and/or the Durban Review Conference:
- Names of persons must appear exactly as they appear in the ID document;
- Family Name(s) must be capitalized.
Upon arrival, participants should proceed to the Pregny Gate of the Palais des Nations to complete the formalities to receive the badge. Participants are advised to ensure they have a valid identification document with them in order to facilitate issuing of the badge.
The deadline for registration was 30 March 2009.
NGO attestations
NGOs that are accredited to the Review Process may need formal letters of attestation for their visa applications to the Swiss authorities. Depending on whether or not the NGOs are in consultative status with ECOSOC, the process for acquiring letters of attestation is different:
- Attestation for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC
Representatives of NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council who have registered for a meeting in the context of the Review Process and who need attestations for the purpose of visas, can request one, at least 10 days in advance of submitting their request for visa to Swiss authorities in their country, by contacting the NGO Liaison Office of the United Nations Office at Geneva:
NGO Liaison Office
Office of the Director-General
Room 153
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: + 41 (0)22 917 1304
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 05 83
In order to avoid delays in issuing letter/s of attestations, NGOs must provide the name of the person(s) who will be applying for the visa in their request for attestation. -
Attestation for accredited NGOs not in consultative status with ECOSOC
Representatives of accredited NGOs who are not in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and who need attestations for the purpose of visas can request one by contacting:. They must provide the name of the person who will be applying for the visa as well as the name and address of the organization that the person will be representing at the Durban Review Conference. Participants are requested to note “Attestation” in the subject line of any email communication requesting a letter for attestation.
It is strongly advised to contact the competent Swiss Representation in your country well in advance to inquire about documentation requirements and the time needed to process visa requests. For general information, please refer to the website of the Federal Office of Migration:
Any questions regarding the registration process should be directed to
Practical information
The Mandat International website provides practical information to facilitate visits to Geneva, including advice on reasonably-priced accommodation. OHCHR is unable to provide direct assistance in this regard.
Electronic Bulletins for NGOs
OHCHR, which serves as the Secretariat for the Durban Review Conference, issues regular electronic bulletins of updated information for NGOs on the Review Conference and its preparatory process.
All queries should be addressed to the Durban Review Conference Secretariat.