Representative of the Latin America and Caribbean Group: Jamaica
The Honourable Dr. Kenneth Baugh
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
22 September 2011
- Statement: English (Check against delivery)
Statement Summary
KENNETH BAUGH, Deputy Prime Minister of Jamaica, spoke on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States, saying that its member Governments had sought, at the national level, to protect the diverse and multicultural nature of their societies. Some States had created specialized national mechanisms to combat racism and racial discrimination, and to promote equality and justice, he noted. However, despite the progress made, the effective implementation of the Durban outcomes had not been satisfactory.
Victims in many parts of the world continued to suffer violence on the basis of their ethnic origin or religious affiliation, he pointed out. Migrants and migrant workers were still easy targets in manifestations of racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination. Member States should develop policies and programmes to protect their rights, he urged.
Stereotyping based on religion or belief and an increase in the number of incidents related to religious hatred were still factors that must be addressed, both at the national and international levels, he stressed. The proliferation of hate speech also remained a challenge in many parts of the world, exacerbated by the misuse of new technologies for the mass dissemination of negative and/or stereotypical information. It was, therefore, necessary for all Member States to promote greater levels of social inclusion, which was essential to reducing intolerance, he said.
He said today’s commemoration of the 10-year anniversary of the Durban Conference and its outcomes presented an opportunity to mobilize the necessary political will for the global resolve needed to end racism and place victims at the centre of deliberations. The Durban process, if given the necessary support of all Member States, could lead to the eradication of all forms of racism and intolerance, thereby allowing people everywhere to experience the full enjoyment of their fundamental human rights and freedoms.
Source: GA/11149