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10th anniversary of the Durban Declaration
and Programme of Action,
General Assembly High-level meeting, September 2011

NGO Participation

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society actors are essential in combating all forms of racism. All civil society and NGO representatives participating in the meeting must be active in the field of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance.

View the list of NGOs approved by Member States to attend the High-Level Meeting.

A representative of an NGO will speak at the opening plenary of the High-Level Meeting and selected representatives will participate in the roundtable proceedings (see schedule), while others will be able to follow the proceedings of the roundtable sessions in the overflow room.

The meeting will also be webcast live at: www.un.org/webcast.

UN Web Services Section, Department of Public Information, United Nations © 2011