
The genocide convention and Cambodia: Lessons from the past, prevention for the future, Op-Ed by Alice Wairimu Nderitu, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide; and Joseph Scheuer, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Cambodia

PRESS RELEASE 13 May 2024. | Download PDF version (English) pdf | Download PDF version (Khmer) pdf

The application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide must be a 'living force in world society', Op-Ed by USG and Special Adviser Nderitu

UNITED NATIONS PRESS RELEASE 11 December 2023. | Download PDF version pdf

"As the world marks international days to end conflict-related sexual violence and hate speech, let’s not forget the important role South Sudanese women peacebuilders play in preventing and responding to these issues"

UNITED NATIONS PRESS RELEASE 18 June 2023. | Download PDF version pdf

UN Special Adviser Nderitu Op-Ed on Hate Speech in sports: “We are all Vinícius”

UNITED NATIONS PRESS RELEASE 7 June 2023. | Download PDF version pdf

"Africa: An All-Out Fight Against Hate Speech"

Published on 20 June 2022 in All Africa. | Download PDF version pdf

"Rising hate speech in Congo conflict alarms UN"

Published on 20 June 2022 in The East African. | Download PDF version pdf

"NDERITU: Hate speech, ethnic stereotypes are the foundation of genocide"

Published on 22 April 2022 in The East African. | Download PDF version pdf

"Reject genocide deniers and war criminals"

Published on 23 April 2022 in MG: Modern Ghana. | Download PDF version pdf

"Genocide perpetrators must be brought to book"

Published on 23 April 2022 in MG: Modern Ghana. | Download PDF version pdf

"Genocide perpetrators must be brought to book"

Published on 25 April 2022 in The Sierra Leone Telegraph. | Download PDF version pdf

"Iraqi President stresses ISIS criminals don’t escape justice"

Published on 16 May 2022 in Iraqi News. | Download PDF version pdf

"Supported by OSAPG, UNITAD and UNDP: Iraqi Religious Leaders Renew their Commitment to Support Accountability for ISIL/Da’esh Crimes [EN/AR]"

Published on 19 May 2022 in reliefweb. | Download PDF report (EN version pdf) | Download PDF report (AR version pdf)

"Virtual Conference on the Role of Religious Leaders, Actors, Scholars and Organizations in Preventing Incitement to Violence and Fostering the Building of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies in South and Southeast Asia - 16-17 June 2021"

Published on 16 June 2022 on The United Nations Web TV.

"Call to Action for Human Rights (7 March 2022) | United Nations"

Published on 11 June 2022 in The Global Herald. | View the video on the UN's YouTube channel

"AJC's Jacob Blaustein Institute Partners with UN on New Policy for Combating Holocaust and Genocide Denial"

Published on 16 June 2022 in CISION PR Newswire. | Download PDF version pdf

“Genocide perpetrators must be brought to book”, by Alice Wairimu Nderitu

Published on 7 April 2022 in Modern Ghana. | Download PDF version pdf

“Street by Street: Systematic Dehumanization in Europe”, by Adama Dieng

Published in October 2018 in different media in Europe and Africa. | Download PDF version pdf

“70 years of the Genocide Convention – demonstrating our commitment to the promise of 'never again'”, by Adama Dieng

Published in October 2018 in different media in Africa and Asia. | Download PDF version (English) pdf
Download PDF version (French) PDF in French

“We cannot afford to abandon the ICC in this age of atrocities” by Adama Dieng

Published 4 February 2017 in The EastAfrican | Download PDF version pdf

"The Power of Identity", by Adama Dieng

Published 4 July 2016 in the Guardian | Download PDF version pdf

"Fulfilling our Responsibility to Protect in Yemen", by Adama Dieng and Jennifer Welsh

Published 18 August 2015 in the The Daily Star Lebanon

"Impunity must urgently be tackled in South Sudan", by Adama Dieng

Published 6 August 2015 in Capital FM | Download PDF version pdf

"The African Union Takes a Bold Step on Accountability in South Sudan"

Published April 2014 in Africa Renewal | Download PDF version pdf

"South Sudan's Leaders Must Act Now to End Suffering" by Zainab Hawa Bangura, Adama Dieng, Jennifer Welsh and Leila Zerrougui

Published 15 December 2014 in the Huffington Post

"Confronting the challenge of preventing atrocity crimes in 2013"

Published 31 January 2013 in Tunisialive | Download PDF version pdf