Course Description and Modules
The on-line training programme on Natural Resources and Conflict focuses on how to formulate and operationalize measures to address natural resources conflicts within a development framework. The course begins with a global overview to enhance understanding of the connection between natural resources and conflicts, and their overall effect on development and the UN-EU interventions in managing them.
The following 3 modules relate to specific natural resources concerns: land, extraction and environmental scarcity, degradation and climate risk. Throughout the course, the learner will follow three Peace and Development Practitioners during their missions to three countries facing critical situations exacerbated by Natural Resources. The learner will understand how natural resources can create or aggravate conflict and will learn to assess the situation and look for opportunities for interventions that can prevent or reduce conflict.
The completion of the course is validated with a certificate through an assessment.
The course is available on UN Staff College website under the title of "on-line training programme on land, natural resources and conflict"
UNDP staff members are requested to access the land, natural resources and conflict prevention training through the Learning Management System at :
The land, natural resources and conflict prevention online course was developed under the leadership of the UN Framework Team for Preventive Action and UNDP/BoM/ Office of Human Resources the with funding support of the European Union and UNDP. Each EU-UN member agency has contributed to the development: content was provided by UNEP, UNHABITAT, UNSSC and UNDP and on-line development was managed by the Design Lab of OHR/UNDP. UN2012, All Right Reserved