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Expert Group Meeting, New York, 13-15 December 2005

  1. Programme
  2. Report
  3. Information for Participants
  4. List of Participants
  5. Further background material
    Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development
    by United Nations Environment Programme - Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP)

Conference Room Papers

Document Symbol Document Title
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.1 Indicators of Sustainable Development - Review and Assessment - rev.1
Division for Sustainable Development, UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.2 Indicators for Sustainable Development: Proposal for a Way Forward
Laszlo Pinter,
International Institute for Sustainable Development
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.3 An international framework for constructing national indicators for policies to enhance sustainable development
Knut H. Alfsen, Statistics Norway, and Thorvald Moe, Ph.D.,
Norwegian Ministry of Finance
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.4 The EU Sustainable Development Strategy: A framework for indicators
Pascal Wolff, Eurostat,
European Commission
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.5 Measuring Sustainable Development: Achievements and Challenges
Enrico Giovannini and Myriam Linste,
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.6 Indicators of Sustainable Development: Argentina
Patricia Maccagno, Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.7 Sustainable Development Indicators: Egypt
Dr. Moussa Ibrahim,
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
UNDSD/EGM/ISD/2005/CRP.8 Indicators of Sustainable Development in the UK
Stephen Hall, Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom


Name Affiliation/Title Presentation
Thorvald Moe Ph.D., Deputy Secretary General,
Norwegian Ministry of Finance
The Need for an International Framework for the Construction of National Indicators for Policies to Enhance Sustainable Development
United Nations Statistics Division System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting and the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting
Mourad Amil National Observatory for Environment, Morocco The Use of Indicators of Sustainable Development - A Step on the National Strategy of Sustainable Development
Bedrich Moldan Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment Assessment of Sustainable Development Indicators
Dr. Laszlo Pinter Director, Measurement and Assessment Programme,
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Indicators for Sustainable Development: Proposals for the Way Forward