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Technical Cooperation/Capacity Building

Capacity-building Project on Creating Information Management Systems to Improve Decision-making for Sustainable Development for Caribbean SIDS

(November 2002-February 2004)

The project on Capacity-building in Creating Information Management Systems to Improve Decision-making for Sustainable Development for Caribbean SIDS, which has been one of the more comprehensive projects in terms of its scope and coverage, included several activities and outputs:

  1. assessment and establishment of a baseline to identify and assess regional and country status and needs in information management systems for sustainable development;
  2. resource persons meeting on using Information in Decision-Making for Sustainable Development in Small-Island Developing States (May 2003, St. Lucia) to ascertain the needs of the region in the area of information management for sustainable development;
  3. development of a project website which is now available through the DSD website;
  4. identification of mechanisms for and establishment of a regional pilot network of national and regional institutions involved in information management in the region;
  5. development of training materials on information management systems for training of trainers available on the website;
  6. training workshop on methodologies, Tools and Best Practices for Managing Information for Decision-making on Sustainable Development in Caribbean SIDS (October 2003, Trinidad & Tobago); and
  7. further in-country training on a wider scale on information management systems.

National Project on Integrated Planning for Sustainable Development and Supporting National Sustainable Development Indicators (St. Lucia)

(August 2003-October 2004)

A national project for St. Lucia on Integrated Planning for Sustainable Development and Supporting National Sustainable Development Indicators for St. Lucia for which the OECS is the field-managing institution. The main outputs of the project will include a first draft set of national indicators for sustainable development and a first draft framework national sustainable development strategy for Saint Lucia.

National Workshop on The Development of Indicators for Use in National Decision-making Processes (Argentina)

(April 2002)

A national workshop for Argentina on the development of indicators for use in national decision-making processes. A plan of action containing elements of training, workshops and information production and dissemination which would serve a two-fold purpose of developing a national set of indicators for policy-planning in Argentina and strengthen the links and participation in the regional network, was then formulated.

National Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development (Bolivia)

(December 2001-December 2002)

A national project for Bolivia on indicators of sustainable development. The main outputs were a proposed set of indicators of sustainable development and a report entitled proposed Indicators of Sustainable Development for Bolivia published in December 2002.

National Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development (Costa Rica)

(September 2001 to July 2002)

A national project that provided support to the University of Costa Rica to establish an information system to support decision-making for Costa Rica in the area of sustainable development. A final collection and methodological description of Costa Rica's sustainability indicators was made available on the internet, as well as in the publication, Indicadores Del Desarrollo Sostenible De Costa Rica 2002.