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Regional Consultative Meeting, Bangkok, 26-29 November 1996

Regional Consultative Meeting on Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development Indicators
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific


Structure of report:

   A. Introduction

  1. Background and objectives
  2. Identification of the users and relevance to national decision-making
  3. Institutional, organizational and resource arrangements for the testing
  4. Experience with twinning, as applicable

   B. Identification and selection of the indicators

Description of the process through which the indicators were chosen, and the criteria for selection, including reference to:

  1. National strategies, targets and priorities
  2. Existing indicators and indicator programmes
  3. Data availability
  4. Other parameters

   C. Usefulness of the indicators

  1. Usefulness of the methodology sheets
  2. Relevance of the data product
  3. Development of interlinkages among the indicators, of national indicator frameworks and of aggregated indicators
  4. Comments and suggestions on changes and improvements

   D. Challenges

  1. Problems encountered in data availability, reliability and delivery
  2. Strengthening and training of human resources
  3. Other capacity-building needs
  4. Other

   E. Recommendations