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Intergovernmental Decisions

UN Commission on Sustainable Development
11th Session
New York, 28 April -9 May 2003

Paragraph 14. Underscores that reporting to the Commission should be guided by the following considerations:

(e) Country reporting should provide information on the status of national strategies for sustainable development;


United Nations General Assembly
55th Session
New York, 2000


World Summit on Sustainable Development
Johannesburg, South Africa 26 August - 4 September 2002

Johannesburg Plan of Implementation

H. Strengthening institutional frameworks for sustainable development at the national level

Paragraph 162: States should:

(b) Take immediate steps to make progress in the formulation and elaboration of national strategies for sustainable development and begin their implementation by 2005. To this end, as appropriate, strategies should be supported through international cooperation, taking into account the special needs of developing countries, in particular the least developed countries. Such strategies, which, where applicable, could be formulated as poverty reduction strategies that integrate economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development, should be pursued in accordance with each country's national priorities.


United Nations General Assembly
19th special session
New York, 23-27 June 1997

Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21

III. Implementation of Agenda 21 in areas requiring urgent action

Paragraph 24: Sustainable development strategies are important mechanisms for enhancing and linking national capacity so as to bring together priorities in social, economic and environmental policies. Hence, special attention must be given to the fulfillment of commitments in the areas set out below, in the framework of an integrated approach towards development, consisting of mutually reinforcing measures to sustain economic growth, as well as to promote social development and environmental protection. Achieving sustainable development cannot be carried out without greater integration at all policy-making levels and at operational levels, including the lowest administrative levels possible. Economic sectors, such as industry, agriculture, energy, transport and tourism, must take responsibility for the impact of their activities on human well-being and the physical environment. In the context of good governance, properly constructed strategies can enhance prospects for economic growth and employment and at the same time protect the environment. All sectors of society should be involved in their development and implementation, as follows:

(a): By the year 2002, the formulation and elaboration of national strategies for sustainable development that reflect the contributions and responsibilities of all interested parties should be completed in all countries, with assistance provided, as appropriate, through international cooperation, taking into account the special needs of the least developed countries. The efforts of developing countries in effectively implementing national strategies should be supported. Countries that already have national strategies should continue their efforts to enhance and effectively implement them. Assessment of progress achieved and exchange of experience among Governments should be promoted. Local Agenda 21s and other local sustainable development programmes, including youth activities, should also be actively encouraged;


United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3-14 June 1992
