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The development of energy efficiency appliance standards and labeling programs represents an unparalleled means for countries to reduce their energy demand and mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. more...
The World Energy Assessment (WEA) was commissioned to provide the scientific and technical basis for discussion in international forums and intergovernmental negotiation in pursuit of Agenda 21. more...
This project aims to increase energy efficiency in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. more...
The project addressed increased energy efficiency, renewable energy supply, and the environment, and also promotes multi-sectoral themes with respect to management and administrative performance, technology transfer and institution-building. more...
The goal of this project was to implement under Security Council Resolution (SCR) 986 a project for humanitarian assistance relating to the electric power sector in the three Governorates that constitute the northern region of Iraq. more...
The project will provide basic electricity services, by means of solar photovoltaic (PV) home systems, to 170 rural households in Bua Province of Fiji.
The SOPAC Demand Side Management (DSM) Project aims to strengthen and continue development of a DSM programme for electric power utilities in the South Pacific region. more...
The project was designed to assist policy-makers in the Islamic Republic of Iran assess the pros and cons of becoming a party to the Kyoto Protocol.
This pilot project in rural Timor Leste adopts a holistic approach to both capacity and the promotion of human security by integrating productive activities, social and community development, and water and energy services.
In most countries, coal is used primarily in thermal electric power generation, where the emission of pollutants can be easily controlled. In northeast Asia, however, the situation is complicated by the abundant use of coal in the industrial (45%), and residential (16%) sectors, mainly for steam production and space heat, respectively. more...
The Commercializing Renewable Energy in India (CREI) project aimed at strengthening local entrepreneurial capacity for sustained commercial operation of rural micro- and small-scale energy enterprises that harness renewable energy technologies (RETs) to service productive use applications in select areas of Andhra Pradesh (AP), India.
This project helped Petronas benchmark its in-house training programmes for petroleum sector managers. more...
The project aims to promote the widespread commercialization of energy-efficient refrigerators by removing technical, market, commercial, information and other barriers to increased market penetration of the technologies and products. more...
This project promotes the widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in China by removing a range of barriers to increased market penetration of the technologies. more...
This project investigated the factors that promote and/or hinder policy implementation in public health and environmental protection, with primary emphasis on air pollution derived from coal combustion. more...
This study set out the elements of a framework for establishing resources concessions, using specific conditions in Jilin Province, including the necessary regulatory, financing and institutional components. more...
The development objective of this project was to reduce adverse social, environmental and economic consequences associated with traffic pollution in Guangzhou city. more...
The main objective of the project was to reduce adverse social, environmental and economic consequences of air pollution in Benxi through promoting clean production technologies. more...
The main objective of the project was mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through the capture of methane released from landfills in China. more...
This project contributed to institution building and human resources training related to geothermal resources development in China and abroad. more...
The project provided assistance in controlling emission of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, thereby contributing to protecting the global and local environment. more...
Egypt is well-endowed with energy resources in the form of oil, natural gas, and hydro power. Unfortunately, the abundance of resources and the historically low energy prices have contributed to an over-utilization of resources in relationship to other economic indicators. more...
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