Past events

Validation workshop on the project proposal on sustainable forest management in Niger
Near East Forestry and Range Commission - 23rd Session
3rd meeting of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 3)
UNEA-3 Side event on Forests and Life on Land
53rd GEF Council Meeting
International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC), 53rd Session
Expert Meeting on Reporting to UNFF
Expert Meeting on Regional and Sub-regional Input to UNFF
Expert Meeting on Major Groups and other Relevant Stakeholders’ Contribution to the Implementation of UNSPF and 4POW
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change COP 23
Capacity-building workshop on designing project proposals on sustainable forest management in Iran
Asia Pacific Forestry Commission - 27th Session
Joint Session of the 39th European Forestry Commission - 74th UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry
Capacity-building workshop on designing a national forest financing strategy and project proposals on sustainable forest management in Madagascar
Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission - 30th Session
IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress
North American Forest Commission - 29th Session
72nd session of the UN General Assembly
UN Convention to Combat Desertification COP 13
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