Initiatives held in support of the UNFF
In 2000, a first globally oriented initiative on “Shaping the Programme of Work for the UN Forum on Forests” was held in Bonn, Germany. Since then, many initiatives have been organized by countries (CLI), organizations (OLI), regions (RLI) and major groups (MGI) in support of the Forum. The Forum at its sixth session through, Resolution 2006/49 recommended that such initiatives address issues identified in the UNFF multi-year programme of work for a given cycle and stressed that the Forum should consider inputs from such Initiatives. For more information see: Guidelines for CLIs, RLIs and OLIs
A list of initiatives organized organized by countries, organizations, regions and major groups in support of UN Forum on Forests:
- 2023 at FAO HQ, in Rome Organization-Led Initiative on the Assessment of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
- 2016 at FAO HQ, in Rome Organization-led Initiative of the CPF on development of global forest indicators, in support of UNFF
- 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal on Sustainable Forest Management: Designing the Vehicles for Securing the Means of Implementation, a Major Group Initiative in support of UNFF11
- 2015 in Interlaken, Switzerland on Lessons learnt from ten years of experience and the way forward post-2015
- 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on ‘Crafting the Path for Forests to Contribute to Sustainable Development‘, a Major Group Initiative in support of UNFF10
- 2014 in Beijing China on International Arrangement on Forests beyond 2015
- 2012 in Rome, Italy on forest financing in support of the United Nations Forum on Forests
- 2012 in Lviv, Ukraine on Actions and Challenges for the Countries of Eastern Europe and Northern and Central Asia
- 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam on A pathway to a green economy in the context of sustainable development: Focus on the role of markets in the promotion of sustainable forest management
- 2011 in Bonn, Germany on Contributions of Forests to a Green Economy: Exchange ideas and experiences concerning the roles of forests and sustainable forest management for developing a Green Economy
- 2011 in Tokyo, Japan on Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management – integrating environmental, social and economic values of forests
- 2010 in Oaxaca, Mexico on Forest Governance and REDD+ in Latin America and the Caribbean
- 2010 in Accra, Ghana on Applying Sustainable Forest Management to Poverty Reduction: Strengthening the Multi-Stakeholder Approach within the UNFF, a Major Group Initiative in support of UNFF9
- 2009 in Guilin, China on Forests for People: the role of national forest programmes and the Non-legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests
- 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland on regional input in support of the UN Forum on Forests
- 2008 in Durban, South Africa on Forest Governance and Decentralization in Africa
- 2008 in Paramaribo, Suriname on International Dialogue on Financing Sustainable Forest Management
- 2007 in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia on Multi Year Programme of Work on the UNFF: Charting the Way Forward to 2015
- 2005 in Berlin, Germany on Scoping for a future agreement on forests
- 2005 in Petropolis, Brazil on Global Initiative on Forest Landscape Restoration
- 2005 in San José, Costa Rica on Innovative Financial Mechanisms: Searching for Viable Alternatives to Secure Basis for the Financial Sustainability of Forests
- 2005 in Hong Kong, China on Practical Solutions to Combat Illegal Logging: Dialogue on Best Practice for Business and Civil Society
- 2005 in Guadalajara, Mexico on Future of the International Arrangement on Forests UNFF
- 2004 in San José, Costa Rica on Traditional Forest-related Knowledge and the Implementation of Related International Commitments
- 2004 in Uppsala, Sweden on Lessons Learned on Sustainable Forest Management in Africa
- 2004 in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Gender and Forestry: Challenges to Sustainable Livelihoods and Forestry Management/ Second World Wide Symposium on Gender and Forestry
- 2004 in Interlaken, Switzerland on Decentralization, Federal Systems in Forestry and National Forest Programs
- 2004 in Brazzaville, Congo on Global Workshop on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies in Support of SFM
- 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya on Lessons Learned on Sustainable Forest Management in Africa
- 2003 in Wellington, New Zealand on the Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management
- 2003 in Viterbo, Italy on Lessons Learned in Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting on Implementation of IPF/IFF Proposals for Action
- 2003 in Managua, Nicaragua on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies for Mangrove Forest
- 2002 in Accra, Ghana on Workshop on Forests and Biological Diversity
- 2001 in Yokohama, Japan on Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting on the Progress towards Sustainable Forest Management
- 2001 in Oslo, Norway on Financing Sustainable Forest Management
- 2000 in Bonn, Germany on Shaping the Programme of Work for the United Nations Forum on Forests