Burkina Faso Projet de mise en place dunités de
production en faveur des personnes handicapées de Gourcy. Coup DPouce Burkina
Vocational training and rehabilitation for people with disabilities. Development
for Handicapped Persons Organisation (NGO)
Training and education for hearing-impaired children. The Kenya Society for Deaf
Children (NGO).
Séminaire pour les techniciens orthopédistes responsables de centre
dappareillage (Bamako, Mali). Handicap International (NGO).
Projet dintégré daviculture et de maraîchage pour la promotion des
membres de la section féminine de lAssociation nationales des handicapés moteurs
du Sénégal. LAssociation nationale des handicapés moteurs du Sénégal (NGO).
Projet dextraction dhuile de karité, de neem, et de palmiste, et
fabrication artisanale de savon antiseptique. Cercle dentraide aux albinos
malvoyants (NGO).
Institutional development for positive action concerning persons with disabilities.
People with Disabilities Uganda (NGO).
Pilot project development of low-cost tools and provision of services to meet the
needs of children with hearing impairment in Binga District. Jairos Jiri Association
(Zimbabwe), in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare of Zimbabwe in
association with the Institute of Child Health of University College London Medical School
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
Regional Southern Africa
Workshop on equalization of opportunities: legislation, gender, and the
socio-economic situation of landmine victims, women and children with disabilities
(Maputo, 10-13 August 1999). Southern Africa Federation of Disabled Persons (NGO), in
association with the Mozambique Association of Disabled Persons (ADEMO). |