The Meeting recommended that, as part of the follow up, the Division for Social Policy
and Development of the United Nations Secretariat:
(a) undertake the revision of the draft 'Compilation of International Norms and
Standards relating to Disability' in the lights of comments made by participants in the
Meeting, and consider the appointment of a consultant to finalize the document in
consultation with interested groups;
(b) widely disseminate the document submitted by the Division for Social Policy and
Development (i) "Compilation of International Norms and Standards relating to
Disability";(ii) the report of this meeting as reference tools for promoting the use
of international norms and standards in domestic legislation and advocacy;
(c) collect (i) disability legislation world-wide and (ii) best practices in
application of international norms and standards to promote rights of persons with
disabilities and develop a disability law library, making appropriate use of the
electronic resources available, so this will be accessible to all;
(d) organize, subject to available resources, regional / interregional fora for
substantive dialogue on disability law and policy between policy makers and experts (in
legal and other fields), non-governmental organisations, academic institutes, and
appropriate inter-governmental bodies, international institutions and agencies to develop
strategies for practical action to promote the rights of persons with disabilities;
(e) examine the desirability of a new international instrument and the form and content
of such an instrument; and solicit input and proposals for that meeting from interested