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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

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Documents of the Second Session



Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and
Integral International Convention on the Protection and
Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
2nd session, 16-27 June 2003

Proposed organization of work

  Mon. 16 June Tue. 17 June Wed. 18 June Thur. 19 June Fri. 20 June
10:00am - 1:00pm bulletAgenda item 1: Opening of the session

bullet Agenda item 2: Election of a new  member of the Bureau

bullet Agenda item 3: Adoption of the agenda

bullet Agenda item 4: Organization of work

bulletAgenda item 6: Expert panel discussion:

 The principle of non-discrimination and equality from a disability perspective: critical issues concerning special measures and disability
[ Summary ]

bullet Review of progress in the elaboration of a convention

Conclusion of General debate

bullet Agenda item 7: Contributions to proposals for a convention,

Continuation of General debate

bullet Contributions to proposals for a convention:

b) elements to be considered


3:00pm - 6:00pm bullet Agenda item 6: Expert panel discussion:

Typology of international conventions and options for a convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
[ Summary ]

bullet Agenda item 5 : Review of progress in the elaboration of a convention

General debate

bullet  Agenda Item 7 : Contributions to proposals for a convention

General debate

bullet Contributions to proposals for a convention:

a) nature and structure


bullet Contributions to proposals for a convention:

c) follow-up and monitoring



  Mon. 23 June Tue. 24 June Wed. 25 June Thur. 26 June Fri. 27 June
10:00am - 1:00pm bullet Contributions to proposals for a convention:

d) complementarity between a new instruments and existing instruments


bullet Agenda item 8 : Next steps in the consideration of a convention

bullet Informal consultations

bullet Informal consultations bullet Informal consultations bullet Informal consultations
3:00pm - 6:00pm bullet Agenda item 6: Expert panel discussion:

New and emerging approaches to definitions of disability: conceptual frameworks, varying contexts of definition, and implications for promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities
[ Summary ]

bullet Informal consultations bullet Informal consultations bullet Introduction of draft proposals

bullet Informal consultations

bulletAction on draft proposals

bullet Agenda item 9: Adoption of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee at its second session

bullet Closure of the second session




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