Back to: Ad Hoc Committee
Following the recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Committee at its fist session, the General Assembly, in its resolution 57/229 of 18 December 2002, decided that the “Ad Hoc Committee should hold…at least one meeting in 2003 of a duration of ten days.”
The General Assembly also encouraged “States to hold meetings or seminars to contribute to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee” and invited the regional commissions and intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, national disability and human rights institutions, and independent experts with interests in the matter “to make available to the Ad Hoc Committee suggestions and possible elements to be considered in the proposals for a convention”.
The same resolution requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Ad Hoc Committee at its second session a comprehensive report on the “views of Member States, observer States, relevant bodies and organizations of the United Nations system, including relevant human rights treaty bodies and the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission for Social Development, on proposals for a convention”.
Report of the second session (A/58/118 & Corr.1)
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Documents of the second session
Panel Discussions and Side-events