Back to: Third Session | Draft Article 1 Comments on the draft text Download complete compilation of comments: MS Word The ILO welcomes the human rights emphasis in the draft text and recognizes the importance of international cooperation as a means to promote the full enjoyment of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities, particularly in developing countries where an estimated 80 per cent of disabled people live. The objective should state: “The purpose of this Convention shall be to ensure and promote the full, effective and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities”. Indian NGO Consultative Meeting The participants felt that since “promotion and protection” of human rights of persons with disabilities is a central issue, therefore the statement of purpose must reflect this notion explicitly. The modified text should read-“The States parties to this convention shall introduce all such measures that are necessary to promote, protect equal and effective enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities”. Although the objectives of international human rights conventions are usually extrapolated from general obligations provisions found in the initial articles, prevailing international law practice in treaty drafting is to more explicitly articulate treaty objectives in a separate article. (Cf. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Article 2) By including a separate provision outlining the purpose of the convention, the Working Group text is consistent with this practice. Footnote 7 raises the question considered in the Working Group namely whether international cooperation might be appropriate to include as an objective. Reference in this regard may be made to the inclusion of international cooperation as an objective in a number of other conventions. (Cf. Convention to Combat Desertification, Article 2) Alternatively, international cooperation may be included as a general principle of the convention. (Cf. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Article 4(3)) Footnote 8 provides an alternative – and substantially weaker – statement that represents a departure from formulations set forth in other international human rights conventions. (Cf. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 2; Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 2) “Purpose” should remain as an independent article. |