Division for the Advancement of Women
Frequently Asked Questions
on the 49th Session of the CSW

49th Session
•  News Flash
•  Overview
•  Background
•  Draft Provisional Agenda
•  Bureau Members
•  Official Documents
•  Press Releases
•  Resolutions
•  Statements
•  High-Level Events
•  Side Events
•  Eligibility
•  Registering
•  Confirmation
•  Making written and oral statements
•  Organizing a side event
•  NGO CSW: Annual consultation
Member States:
•  Questionnaire
•  Responses
Expert Group
•  Meetings
UN System
•  Preparations
•  Processes
•  on the 49th Session of the CSW
•  Relevant
•  Online Discussions
@ WomenWatch
Contact us

How do NGOs register?

The United Nations wishes to encourage the broad-based participation and representation of NGOs in this session. Space and safety consideration, however, may require the organization to limit the number of representatives who may attend the session to two or three persons per organization.

Eligible NGOs are invited to designate representative(s) to participate in the Commission. It is encouraged to provide the name(s) of alternate(s) in case the proposed applicant(s) is/are unable to obtain an entry visa to the United States of America. Online registration is recommended by logging in using the organization ID and password provided at the end of the invitation letter through the website of the Division for the Advancement of Women at: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw49/register/. The online registration will remain open until Thursday, 15 January 2005. Please do not send any duplicate pre-registration forms via fax or through the mail as this will only delay the registration process.

Organizations without internet access, are requested to complete the form attached to the invitation letter using a typewriter and either mail it directly to CSW49 NGO Registration, Division for the Advancement of Women, 2 UN Plaza, Room DC2-1282D, New York, NY 10017, USA, or fax it to (212) 963-3463 no later than Friday, 31 December 2004. All confirmation letters will be sent to the fax number of the organization's headquarters only for the names received by Friday, 31 December 2004.

The United Nations will not facilitate the travel, visa, or other arrangements of subsistence for any participants to the 49th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. All arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and daily subsistence costs are the exclusive responsibility of the participants themselves. Please note that participants are required to submit their visa applications at least three (3) months in advance to allow sufficient time for processing.

How can NGOs participate?

Written Statements

NGOs will be permitted to participate in the session by providing written statements relating to the two thematic issues. For guidelines relating to these statements, please visit the NGO ECOSOC website. NGOs that are interested in providing a statement may do so no later than 15 January 2005. Please keep in mind that there is much processing that needs to be done to prepare these statements as official United Nations documents before the Commission begins. Kindly submit these statements directly to Ms. Vivian Pliner-Josephs in the Secretariat (Room S-2950E).

Oral intervention

In addition to the high-level events, NGOs will, time permitting, provide inputs into the session by presenting an oral intervention during all sessions. NGOs will be required to request time for their intervention in advance of the session, and to complete a form which lists the name of the speaker, organization(s)/caucus, topic to be addressed and endorsing groups. NGOs will also be required to provide seventeen copies of the statement for distribution to the bureau and translators prior to the start of the sessions. Please contact Ms. Tsu-Wei Chang, Coordination and Outreach Unit, DAW via email for further information.

Side events

UN entities and NGOs who wish to organize side events during the session, or who want to sponsor exhibitions in the Conference Building Neck Area, are requested to fill out the side events application form (please complete one for each event) and submit to United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (UNDAW) via email (csw49@un.org) or by fax (1 212 963-3463) on or before 31 January 2005. Due to limited space, requests will be considered on first come, first served basis. Please note that the sponsoring organizations for the events are responsible for all charges related to the event, including, room, equipment, and any other services. Click the standard rates to view the fee charges. For further information, please contact Ms.Tsu-Wei Chang via email at csw49@un.org.

Please use the standard rates for side events to calculate fees to be paid.

The standard rates are applicable to the side events taking place on the UN premises. These side events must be co-sponsored by either a Permenant Mission to the United Nations, or an United Nations Agency. For side events taking place in the Church Center, there will be no charge. However, the non-governmental organizations sponsoring the events will have to provide the equipment if so needed.


How Can Media representatives attend?

Media representatives wishing to attend the Beijing Review and Appraisal should contact:

Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit
Department of Public Information
Room S-250, New York
NY 10017,

Fax: 1-212-963 4642
The media accreditation form and other related data can be accessed at www.un.org/media/accreditation.

For further media enquiries and to receive press releases relating to the Beijing Review and Appraisal and other women's issues, please email: mediainfo@un.org