Division for the Advancement of Women
Frequently Asked Questions
on the 49th Session of the CSW

49th Session
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What is the nature of the CSW 49th session?

In paragraph 9 of the Political Declaration from the 23rd special session of the General Assembly (2000), Governments agreed "to assess regularly further implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action with a view to bringing together all parties involved in 2005 to assess progress and consider new initiatives, as appropriate, ten years after the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action." The Objective of the review is to identify achievements, gaps and challenges in implementing the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents.

The 49th session of the Commission will be a regular session. It was agreed in the 48th session of the CSW in March 2004 that it would be a high-level event. At its substantive session in July 2004, ECOSOC decided that the 49th session of CSW should convene a high-level plenary meeting open to the participation of all UN Member States and Observers, on the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly. The Chairperson of the 49th session of the Commission was requested to transmit its outcome, through ECOSOC, to the 60th session of the General Assembly, including to the high-level event of the General Assembly on the review of the Millennium Declaration.

The 49th session of the Commission to be held in 2005 is more than an expanded session of the regular CSW. Its focus will be different. The work programme for 2005 will focus on national-level implementation through interactive dialogue and exchange of good practices. The Bureau of the Commission developed a proposed organization of work for the Commission in 2005, which was approved by Members of the Commission on 14 September 2004, pending agreement on one of the high-level panels.

There will be about 8 high-level events (panels, roundtables) on a broad range of issues, a high-level opening, the high-level plenary for national statements, and a celebration of international women's day within the CSW itself and not as an interagency event.