The twelfth meeting of States parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was held on 29 August 2002 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The main purpose of the meeting was to elect individuals to fill the twelve positions on the Committee which will become vacant on 31 December 2002. Twenty-two candidates contested the election.
The meeting elected Ambassador June Clarke (Barbados) to serve as its Chairperson. Following two rounds of voting the following individuals were elected. These members will serve from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2006.
FLINTERMAN, Cornelis (The Netherlands)
GABR, Naela (Egypt)
GNANCADJA, Huguette Bokpe (Benin)
KHAN, Salma (Bangladesh)
KUENYEHIA, Akua (Ghana)
MANALO, Rosario (Philippines)
MORVAI, Krisztina (Hungary)
PATTEN, Pramila (Mauritius)
POPESCU SANDRU, Victoria (Romania)
SAIGA, Fumiko (Japan)
ŠIMONOVIC, Dubravka (Croatia)
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women is established under article 17 of the Convention. The Committee is tasked with the review of the reports of States parties submitted in accordance with article 18 of the Convention. The Optional Protocol to the Convention, which entered into force in December 2000, also empowers the Committee to consider communications submitted by individuals or groups of individuals on violations of the Convention in States parties to the Convention and the Optional Protocol. The Optional Protocol also entitles the Committee of its own motion to inquire into grave or systematic violations of the Convention in those States parties which have accepted this procedure.
Committee members serve in their personal capacities, and not as representatives of the States parties which present their candidature.
Official Documents (All documents are in PDF format)
Press Release