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Women & Health Online Dialogue
Expert Group Meeting Mainstreaming |
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Tunis (Tunisia) |
28 September 1998Monday,
9.30 a.m. Opening
Opening Statement by Dr. Olive Shisana, Executive Director, Family and Health Services, World Health Organization
Message from Ms. Angela E.V. King, Assistant Secretary-General, Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, United Nations
Statement by Her Excellency Ms. Neziha Zarrouk, Minister for Women and Family Affairs, Tunisia
Election of Officers and Adoption of the Programme of Work
Introduction to the Meeting
11.00 a.m. Overview on gender and health
Dr. Mercedes Juarez de Robert (Mexico)
: Gender-sensitive reform in the health sectorProfessor Lesley Doyal (United Kingdom): A draft framework for designing national health policies with an integrated gender perspective
Professor Stephen Matlin (Commonwealth Secretariat): Gender Management Systems in the Health Sector
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m. Gender analysis of specific health problems and policy implications
Dr. Suniti Solomon (India) : HIV/AIDS
Ms. Uche Amazigo (Nigeria): Tropical diseases - a focus on Africa
Ms. Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good (USA): Mental health
Dr. Aruna Dewan (India): Occupational and environmental health
Dr. Mahmoud Fathalla (Egypt): Issues in reproductive health
Ms. Wanda Nowicka (Poland): Women
's health in Eastern and Central Europe
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. General debate
Tuesday, 29 September 1998
9.30 a.m. Working groups on policy implications:
- Tuberculosis, malaria and other disease control programmes, including HIV/AIDS
- Mental health
- Environmental health
- Reproductive health
12.15 p.m. Reports from working groups to plenary
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m Implications of a gender analysis for the structure and management of health systems
Dr. Nabiha Gueddana (Tunisia):Importants elements and factors in the establishment of a gender specific reproductive health policy
Ms. Mabel Bianco (Argentina): Cost benefit and economic approach related to health care services system
Ms. Sheila Dinotshe Tlou (Botswana): Health care including management of human and financial resources in nursing
Ms. Yut Lin Wong (Malaysia): Integrating the gender perspective in medical and health education and research
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. General debate
Wednesday, 30 September 1998
9.30 a.m. Working groups on implications of a gender analysis for the structure and management of health systems:
- Health sector reform and health care financing
- Access to and use of health services
- Health education and promotion
12.15 p.m. Reports from working groups to plenary
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m. The role of various actors in the development and implementation of a gender-sensitive framework for national health policies:
Ms. Charlotte Abaka (Expert, Member of theCommittee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Ghana): Framework for a human rights approach to women's health
Ms. Marianne Haslegrave (United Kingdom): The role and possible contributions of NGOs
Dr. Maria Jose de Oliveira Araújo (Brazil) : The role of local governements
Susanna Rance (Bolivia): The role of parliamentarians
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. Working groups on the draft recommendations on a framework for national health policies; elaboration of recommendations for
(a) international organizations and agencies
(b) national governments
(c) health professional associations
(d) other groups from civil society
Thursday, 1 October 1998
9.30 a.m. Working groups continue
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 - 5.30 p.m. Working groups continue,
followed by meeting of the drafting committee
Friday, 2 October 1998
9.30 a.m. Introduction of draft recommendations and report in plenary,
followed by meeting of the drafting committee
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m. Adoption of final report and recommendations
4.00 - 5.00 p.m. Closing session
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