Summary of Debate on the Modalities of NGO Participation at the Special Session(3 December 1999)
African Groups Proposal as introduced by Namibia
Amendments to the African Proposal 5. China proposed to add the following sentence to Para 2:not including those NGOs whose application for consultative status with ECOSOC has been rejected or withdrawn by the NGO Committee.
Ensuring an equitable geographical balance, including regional perspectives, and diversity of NGOs. 8. EU add to the original wording of para. 4 of the African Groups proposal: ..throughout the meetings of the Special Session with a view to facilitating as wide a participation of NGOs as possible.
In this regard, the President of the General Assembly is requested to present the list of selected non-governmental organizations to the Member States in a timely manner for approval. The President of the General Assembly is also requested to ensure that such selection is made on an equal and transparent basis, taking into account the geographical representation and diversity of non-governmental organizations.Some delegations felt that A/AC.253/L.13 was part of a package together with A/AC.253/L.12 and that if L.13 was to be considered, then it should be considered in its entirety. NGOs holding consultative status with ECOSOC and those which were accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women will select one representative to be their spokesperson in the plenary, taking into consideration the subject area, geography and time allocated. Other Issues 14. In response to a proposition from EU, discussion on the issue of NGO accreditation was deferred to a later date. The Chair undertook to raise the matter in the Bureau before opening up a debate with delegations. |