- About the Office of the
Focal Point for Women - Legislative basis for the
UN Mandate on Representation
of Women in the UN System - Departmental Focal Points
- Documentation including UN SG's reports to GA
- Work/Life Issues
- Gender related policies and instruments
- Statistics
- Expert Group Reports
- Gender Balance Strategy and Scorecard
- Network Newsletter
- IANWGE 2012
- IANWGE 2011
- IANWGE 2010
- Agency Links
- Events
- Job opportunities
- Contact us
Draft Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Measures to Expand Flexibility and Improve the Work-Life Integreation of Employees in the United Nations system
- Expert Group Meeting Work Life Policies, Practice and Potential 9-11 November 2010
- Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations system, presentation to the IANWGE February 17, 2011
Tools for Monitoring and Accountability
- Secretary-General's Report - Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations system [ A | C | E | F | R | S ]
- Focal Point Survey 2011 (Executive summary)
- FWA Survey 2011 (Executive summary)
- Flexible Work Arrangements at the UN - Report on OSAGI staff survey 2009
- Flexible Work Arrangements at the UN - Summary of OSAGI staff survey 2009
- Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA) Awareness Strategy
- Scorecard template
UN System Fact sheets and Projections by entity
- FAO factsheet
FAO projection - IAEA factsheet
IAEA projection - ICAO factsheet
ICAO projection - ICJ factsheet
ICJ projection - ICSC factsheet
ICSC projection - IFAD factsheet
IFAD projection - ILO factsheet
ILO projection - IMO factsheet
IMO projection - ITC factsheet
ITC projection - ITC-ILO factsheet
ITC-ILO projection - ITU factsheet
ITU projection - PAHO factsheet
PAHO projection - UN Secretariat factsheet
UN Secretariat projection - UNAIDS factsheet
UNAIDS projection - UNDP factsheet
UNDP projection - UNESCO factsheet
UNESCO projection - UNFPA factsheet
UNFPA projection - UNHCR factsheet
UNHCR projection - UNICEF factsheet
UNICEF projection - UNIDO factsheet
UNIDO projection - UNITAR factsheet
UNITAR projection - UNJSPF factsheet
UNJSPF projection - UNOPS factsheet
UNOPS projection - UNRWA factsheet
UNRWA projection - UNU factsheet
UNU projection - UNWTO factsheet
UNWTO projection - UPU factsheet
UPU projection - WFP factsheet
WFP projection - WHO factsheet
WHO projection - WIPO factsheet
WIPO projection - WMO factsheet
WMO projection