Last updated:
11 October 2006
at the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea , Office of Legal
The CENTRAL SUPPORT UNIT has responsibilities for the coordination and
management of the Programme. It
provides continuing pedagogical support, technical advice and assistance
to Course Development Units (CDUs) as they work in the preparation of their
training courses. In addition, it undertakes periodic monitoring visits to
the Course Development Units to discuss progress,
requirements arising from course development activities and general operation of
the CDUs. As a provider of a coaching and support system for course development,
the TSC/Central Support Unit at UN/DOALOS
also conducts:
* two-week Course Developers Workshops to develop or reinforce the capabilities of CDUs
* three-day seminars to enable Course Developers to discuss problems, constraints and successes in course development, delivery or adaptation, and instructors to assist CDUs in the delivery of courses according to the TSC methodology.* four-day Coordination Conference to enable CDU Managers, together with GEF Project Coordinators, to evaluate progress, plan course adaptation and delivery, exchange lessons learned and establish policy for the sharing system.
The TRAIN-SEA-COAST Team at the Central Support Unit is composed of the TRAIN-SEA-COAST Coordinator, a small staff trained in the TRAIN-SEA-COAST methodology and support personnel.
An important aim of the Central Support Unit is to assist each member of the Network to have access to a full range of high quality training material with which to conduct material-oriented training programmes fully reflecting the current state of the art and international requirements and utilizing modern training techniques.
This aim is met by assisting the members to prepare training courses that meet TRAIN-SEA-COAST standards, and by coordinating the sharing of the prepared training courses throughout the global pool.
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