Last updated: 11 October 2006
In the case of TRAIN-SEA-COAST Course Development Units (CDUs) associated with Global
Environment Facility - International Waters Projects (GEF IW), GEF International
Waters Chief Technical Advisers play a crucial role in partnership with the
Course Development Units and the Central Support Unit.
Based in different regions worldwide, the GEF Chief Technical Advisers provide an institutional basis, contacts and expertise in the regions covered by their respective projects. They conduct, together with the CDUs, a training needs analysis for their region and select the participants to participate in the courses. They may also assist CDUs in the identification of Subject Matter Experts within the regions of their projects.
They follow closely the process of course development and assist particularly in the definition of the scope of the course and its target population. This provides the training activity with the necessary relevance vis-à-vis the operational needs of each GEF region.
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