Statements by Board Members
- Statement made by Mr. Kay Scheller, President of the German Supreme Audit Institution, to the COP 13 Bureau on the Report of the Board of Auditors on the financial statements of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Bonn, 11 April 2018
- Opening Statement on the Report of the Board of Auditors on the financial statements of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC/SBI/2017/INF.15) to the Contact group on Administrative, Financial and Institutional Matters of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), 8 November 2017
- Opening statement to the Fifth Committee by Sir Amyas Morse, Chair of the United Nations Board of Auditors and Comptroller and Auditor General, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ,14 October 2014.
- Opening statement to the Fifth Committee by Sir Amyas Morse, Chair of the United Nations Board of Auditors and Comptroller and Auditor General, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 11 October 2013
- Remarks by Mr. Terence Nombembe, Chair of the Board of Auditors to the Fifth Committee on 10 November 2010