Message from the Chair of the Panel
Mr. Gareth Davies
Chair of the Panel
Comptroller and Auditor
General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mr. Vital do Rego Filho
Vice Chair of the Panel
President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts
The Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies, and the International Atomic Energy Agency continues to play a central role in promoting the coordination of external audit activities across the UN system. Established by the General Assembly, the Panel serves as a vital platform for sharing knowledge, harmonizing practices, and collectively addressing emerging risks and challenges that impact our audit work.
As Chair for 2025, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of all Panel members contribute to shaping the agenda for the year. Inclusivity in setting priorities will allow us to align our focus with the most important developments in the UN system and the broader audit landscape. Together, in a world of conflict-driven and natural uncertainties which continue to reshape the operating environment of the United Nations, we will tackle cross-cutting risks, including strategic financial management, sustainability and financial reporting and technological transformation.
Our work as external auditors goes beyond examining financial statements; it addresses the administration and management of UN entities. By providing independent and objective assurance to Member States, we help ensure that the United Nations makes the most effective and efficient use of its resources in fulfilling its vital mission.
This year, we will be focused on emerging audit risks and systemic issues that affect the global community. These include the financial and operational challenges of UN entities, climate related issues, and digital transformation on the UN system. Structural changes in the workplace, global inflationary pressures, and supply chain vulnerabilities further compound these risks. These factors require us to remain forward-looking, and innovative in our audit approach to support the United Nations in addressing these challenges efficiently and effectively.
Through close collaboration and shared expertise, the Panel will continue to strengthen accountability, governance, and transparency across the UN system. I look forward to working with Vice-Chair Mr. Vital do Rego Filho, President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (Tribunal de Contas da União), and all my esteemed colleagues on the Panel to address these shared challenges.
By fostering a spirit of cooperation and aligning our efforts to meet both current and emerging risks, we will reinforce the essential role of the external audit process in helping the UN system to deliver its mandate.
Mr. Gareth Davies
Chair of the Panel of External Auditors
Comptroller and Auditor General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland