Committee for Programme and Coordination
Legislative Basis, Mandate & Terms of Reference
Excerpted text from Economic & Social Council Rules of Procedure & Resolutions
Resolution 920 (XXIV). Special Committee on co-ordination with particular emphasis on the United Nations Development Decade
The Economic and Social Council
Recalling General Assembly resolution 1710 (XVI) of 19 December 1961,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General The United Nations Development Decade - Proposals for Action,
Recognizing that the United Nations Development Decade requires, for the fulfilment of its goals, concerted action within the United Nations family of organizations in the economic, social and human rights and related fields, in the United Nations Development Decade,
Believing that co-ordination of the activities of the United Nations and its related agencies would be facilitated if efforts were further concentrated upon selected areas of strategic importance where the opportunities and needs for United Nations efforts are most apparent,
Believing further that the work of its ad hoc Working Group on Co-ordination established by its resolution 798 (XXX) of 3 August 1960 has greatly facilitated the discussion of co-ordination matters by the Council,
1. Decides to establish a special committee consisting of representatives of eleven States members of the Council or the Technical Assistance Committee - to be elected annually at its resumed summer session on the basis of equitable geographical distribution - who should be conversant with the programmes and activities of the United Nations in the economic, social, human rights and related fields, and of the related agencies. as well as with the practice and procedures of co-ordination among these organizations:
2. Decides further that this special committee shall have the following functions:
(a) (i) To keep under review the activities of the United Nations and its related agencies in the economic, social, human rights and related fields in the United Nations Development Decade:
(ii) To consider, wherever appropriate, in consultation with the agencies concerned, priority areas or projects relating to the objectives of the United Nations Development Decade in accordance with its resolution 916 (XXXIV) of 3 August 1962;
(iii) To submit recommendations on these matters to the Council;
(b) To assume the functions of the ad hoc Working Group on Co-ordination as follows:
(i) To study the reports of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, appropriate reports of the United Nations organs, the annual reports of the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency and other relevant documents;
(ii) To submit its conclusions to the Council, for consideration, in the form of a concise statement of the issues and problems in the field of co-ordination arising from these documents which call for special attention by the Council:
3. Requests the Committee, in fulfilling its task under paragraph 2 (a) above, to take into account any special observations which the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination may deem it appropriate to submit;
4. Further requests the Committee to take into account the activities of the ad hoc Committee of Ten on coordination of technical assistance activities;
5. Decides to convene the Special Committee in the first instance in February 1963.
1236th plenary meeting,
3 August 1962.
The Council decided to annex to the above resolutions the following extract from the report of the Co-ordination Committee.
(a) Rural development
The Committee endorses the findings of the ad hoc Working Group on Co-ordination that greater efforts are required towards integrating existing arrangements for inter-agency co-operation and co-ordination in a concerted attack on the problems of improving living and working conditions in rural areas. it welcomes the assurance of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination that it will devote increased attention to these problems and looks forward to the report on the results achieved. The Committee furthermore points out that there is a clear interrelationship between problems of rural development and of urbanization, which in turn is fostered by industrialization. The Committee considers that, in the development of more effective programmes for sound rural and urban development, special attention will have to be paid to these interrelationships.
(b) Housing and urbanization
The Committee endorses the view of the ad hoc Working Group on Co-ordination that housing and urbanization activities should be fully integrated with programmes of industrial and rural development, as envisaged in Council resolution 841 (XXXII) of 3 August 1961, and that there is a need for close co-operation with the Social Commission, particularly with respect to the measures recommended in its last report for promoting co-ordination between industrial and social development. It expresses the hope that the proposed Committee on Housing, Building and Planning, in co-operation with the agencies concerned, will further a concerted action programme in this important field to the benefit of the developing countries, paying due regard to the technical, financial, health, social and human aspects of housing and urbanization.
(c) Public information
The Committee took note with satisfaction of the plan for establishing an Economic and Social Information Unit within the United Nations Office of Public Information, the aim of which will be to provide intensive, continuing and co-ordinated information throughout the world on economic and social activities in which the United Nations family is engaged. It is believed that this will serve to bring more forcibly to the attention of all peoples the achievements of the United Nations and its related agencies in these fields. The Committee recognizes the need for close co-operation between this unit and the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency,93 as stressed in the report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination and expresses the hope that the United Nations family as a whole will actively participate in the work of this unit both at the planning and at the executive levels. The Co-ordination Committee hopes the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination will continue to include in its reports from time to time matters of interest to the Council in this important realm of activity.