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2011 High-Level Meeting on Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
General Assembly, United Nations, New York, 20 September 2011


The following videos are part of the UN in Action series.

Kenya: Mobile Weather Forecast Helps Farmers

Farmers in Kenya are reaping better harvests with mobile phones carrying weather forecasts. It is an initiative sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU, to bring up-to-date techniques to the poorest rural communities. Equipped with information, farmers now know when to plant to achieve maximum results. In a region chronically affected by severe droughts, this initiative can make a significant difference to ensure the livelihood of rural populations.

Brazil Drylands: The Promise of Water

The United Nations has named 2010-2020 the UN Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification. A phenomenon unknown to many, desertification threatens almost half of the world’s land. If left unchecked, its effects are disastrous. But in the drylands of Brazil, new hope is emerging...

Kyrgyzstan: Finding a Place to Feed

Today, as Kyrgyzstan’s grassland deteriorates at an alarming rate, the traditional lifestyle of nomadic shepherds in Kyrgyzstan is threatened by climate change. The country’s arid and semi-arid zones are predicted to double over the next 100 years, possibly drying out highland pastures. Herders are hoping that through reviving ancient practices, their grassland will survive to support their way of life.