Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

List of documents relating to the proposed programme plan and budget for 2025

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Foreword & Introduction A/79/6 (Introduction)
Estimates of expenditure
PART I. Overall policy-making, direction and coordination

Section 1. Overall policymaking, direction and coordination A/79/6 (Sect.1)
Section 2. General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management A/79/6 (Sect.2)
PART II. Political affairs
Section 3. Political affairs A/79/6 (Sect.3)
Section 4. Disarmament A/79/6 (Sect.4)
Section 5. Peacekeeping operations A/79/6 (Sect.5)
Section 6. Peaceful uses of outer space A/79/6 (Sect.6)
PART III. International justice and law

Section 7. International Court of Justice A/79/6 (Sect.7)
Section 8. Legal affairs A/79/6 (Sect.8)
PART IV. International cooperation for development

Section 9. Economic and social affairs A/79/6 (Sect.9)
Section 10. Least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States A/79/6 (Sect.10)
Section 11. United Nations system support for the African Union’s Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want A/79/6 (Sect.11)
Section 12. Trade and development A/79/6 (Sect.12)
Section 13. International Trade Centre A/79/6 (Sect.13)
Section 14. Environment A/79/6 (Sect.14)
Section 15. Human settlements A/79/6 (Sect.15)
Section 16. International drug control, crime prevention and criminal justice A/79/6 (Sect.16)
Section 17. Gender equality and the empowerment of women A/79/6 (Sect.17)
PART V. Regional cooperation for development

Section 18. Economic and social development in Africa A/79/6 (Sect.18)
Section 19. Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific A/79/6 (Sect.19)
Section 20. Economic development in Europe A/79/6 (Sect.20)
Section 21. Economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean A/79/6 (Sect.21)
Section 22. Economic and social development in Western Asia A/79/6 (Sect.22)
Section 23. Regular programme of technical cooperation A/79/6 (Sect.23
PART VI. Human rights and humanitarian affairs
Section 24. Human rights A/79/6 (Sect.24) and Corr.1
Section 25. International protection, durable solutions and assistance to refugees A/79/6 (Sect.25)
Section 26. Palestine refugees A/79/6 (Sect.26)
Section 27. Humanitarian assistance A/79/6 (Sect.27) and Corr.1
PART VII. Public information
Section 28. Global communications A/79/6 (Sect.28)
PART VIII. Common support services

Section 29. Management and support services A/79/6 (Sect.29)
A. Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance A/79/6 (Sect.29A)
B. Department of Operational Support A/79/6 (Sect.29B)
C. Office of Information and Communications Technology A/79/6 (Sect.29C)
D. Administration, Nairobi A/79/6 (Sect.29D)
Administration, Geneva A/79/6 (Sect.29E)
F. Administration, Vienna A/79/6 (Sect.29F)
PART IX. Internal oversight

Section 30.
Internal oversight A/79/6 (Sect.30)
PART X. Jointly financed administrative activities and special expenses

Section 31. Jointly financed administrative activities A/79/6 (Sect.31)
Section 32. Special Expenses A/79/6 (Sect.32)
PART XI. Capital expenditures

Section 33. Construction, alteration, improvement and major maintenance A/79/6 (Sect.33)
PART XII. Safety and security

Section 34. Safety and security A/79/6 (Sect.34)
PART XIII. Development Account

Section 35. Development account A/79/6 (Sect.35)
PART XIV. Staff assessment

Section 36. Staff assessment A/79/6 (Sect.36)
Estimates of income
Income Section 1.
Income from staff assessment A/79/6 (Income Sect. 1)
Income Section 2. General income A/79/6 (Income Sect. 2)
Income Section 3. Services to the public A/79/6 (Income Sect. 3)
(Combined file - PPB 2025)

Additional documents related to the proposed programme plan for 2025:
Report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination (64th session)
Programme budget implications (PBI) of recommendations contained in the report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination A/C.5/79/2
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questionson the PBI A/79/7/Add.7

Additional documents related to the proposed programme budget for 2025:
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the proposed programme budget for 2025 A/79/7 (to be issued)
Report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on internal oversight: proposed programme budget for 2025 A/79/89

Report of the Secretary-General on revised estimates: effect of changes in rates of exchange and inflation A/79/__, A/79/__
Contingency fund: consolidated statement of PBIs and revised estimates A/C.5/78/__, A/79/__

Other documents considered in conjunction with the proposed programme budget for 2025 (to be determined)


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