Disarmament and International Security (First Committee)
Documents of the 73rd session 
- First Committee Reports to the General Assembly Plenary
- Allocation of agenda items to the First Committee (A/C.1/73/1)
- Documents of the First Committee (A/C.1/73/INF/1)
- Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly (A/C.1/73/INF/4)
- Final programme of work and timetable of the First Committee for 2018 (A/C.1/73/CRP.1)
- Indicative timetable for thematic discussions (A/C.1/73/CRP.2) + Rev.1
- Participation in panel in the Exchange with the High Representative and other High-level Officials (A/C.1/73/CRP.3)
- Draft provisional programme of work and timetable of the First Committee for 2019 [A/C.1/73/CRP.5/Rev.1]
- Guidelines for submission of draft proposals
- Overview of Programme Budget Implications process by the Main Committees of the General Assembly (2018)
- List of draft proposals (5 January 2019)
- PaperSmart portal [email: papersmart1@un.org]