Sixth Committee (Legal) — 72nd session

Observer status for the Community of Democracies in the General Assembly (Agenda item 169)


Summary of work

Background (source: A/72/100)

In a letter dated 10 July 2015 (A/70/142), the Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the United Nations requested the inclusion of this item in the provisional agenda of the seventieth session.

At its seventieth and seventy-first sessions, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Sixth Committee, decided to defer a decision on the request for observer status for the Community of Democracies in the Assembly to its following sessions (decisions 70/525 and 71/526).

Consideration at the seventy-second session

The Sixth Committee considered the item at its 11th meeting, on 9 October 2017 (see A/C.6/72/SR.11). For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the above-mentioned letter dated 10 July 2015 from the Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/70/142).

Action taken by the Sixth Committee

At the 11th meeting, on 9 October, the Committee had before it a proposal for a draft resolution, entitled “Observer status for the Community of Democracies in the General Assembly” (A/C.6/72/L.5). At the same meeting, the Chair of the Committee announced that the Bureau had been informed by the delegation of Norway that the sponsor had requested that the Committee defer a decision on the request for observer status for the Community of Democracies in the General Assembly to the seventy-third session of the Assembly.

At the same meeting, the Committee adopted, without a vote, a draft decision under which the General Assembly would decide to defer a decision on the request for observer status for the Community of Democracies in the General Assembly to the seventy-third session of the Assembly.

Subsequent action taken by the General Assembly

This agenda item will be considered at the seventy-third session (2018).

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