![Photo of UN General Assembly Hall.](/en/internaljustice/unat/photos/ga_hall_unat.jpg)
The UN Appeals Tribunal (UNAT) was established by the General Assembly in 2009, as part of the new UN internal justice system. As the second level appellate review tribunal within the internal justice system, UNAT reviews, within its specific jurisdiction, appeals against judgments rendered by the UN Dispute Tribunal, the Dispute Tribunal of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), as well as appeals of decisions taken by the Standing Committee acting on behalf of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (UNJSPB), and by those organizations, agencies and entities that accepted UNAT’s jurisdiction.
UNAT usually meets in session three times a year, in spring, summer and fall sessions, to render judgments. The sessions are held in New York, Nairobi, or Geneva (at times at other locations). UNAT consists of seven judge positions. The UNAT President usually designates three judge panels to decide each case. However, under certain circumstances a case may be heard by the entire UNAT bench. UNAT judgments are final and binding on the parties.
The UNAT Registry provides substantive, technical and administrative support to the UNAT judges in the adjudication of cases and serves as records custodian of case files and materials forming the official record of a case.
The UNAT Registry, located in New York, is headed by a Registrar who reports to the Principal Registrar. The Registry is not mandated to provide legal advice to parties.
For technical support inquiries related to the e-filing portal please contact CCMS-support@un.org.
The UNAT Registry does not provide legal advice to the parties.
For other inquiries contact the UNAT Registry:
![Photo of Juliet Johnson](../unat/photos/judges/johnson-sm.jpg)
Registry of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal
United Nations Secretariat
2 United Nations Plaza,
Room DC2-2409
New York, NY 10017, USA
E-Mail: unat1@un.org
Registrar: Juliet Johnson
The UNAT Registry is open on the working days of the United Nations Headquarters in New York, during office hours from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
The outcome of the judgments rendered during the 2024 Fall session was announced on Friday 25 October 2024.
2021 Fall Session – no oral pronouncement | 2021 Summer Session – no oral pronouncement | 2021 Spring Session – no oral pronouncement |
2020 Fall Session – no oral pronouncement | 2020 Summer Session – no oral pronouncement | 2020 Spring Session – no oral pronouncement |
2019 Fall Session | 2019 Summer Session | 2019 Spring Session |
2018 Fall Session | 2018 Summer Session | 2018 Spring Session |
2017 Fall Session | 2017 Spring Session | 2016 Fall Session |
2016 Summer Session | 2016 Spring Session | 2015 Fall Session |
2015 Summer Session | 2015 Spring Session | 2014 Fall Session |
2014 Summer Session | 2013 Fall Session | 2013 Summer Session |
2013 Spring Session | 2012 Fall Session | 2011 Fall Session |
2011 Spring Session |