• UN Security Council  Threats to international peace and security (13 September)
  • UN General Assembly 2nd plenary meeting: Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: Report of the General Committee - Item 7: First report of the General Committee (A/79/250) (13 September)

Forthcoming meetings

  • UN General Assembly Tenth emergency special session (resumed) - 53rd plenary meeting: Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Item 5; Debate on the item (17 September)

The United Nations observes designated days, weeks, years, and decades, each with a theme, or topic. By creating special observances, the United Nations promotes international awareness and action on these issues. The majority of observances have been established by resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, although some have been designated by UN specialized agencies. The United Nations also observes anniversaries of key events in its history.