Outreach Programme on the 1994 Genocide against
the Tutsi in Rwanda and the United Nations

Lt. Gen. Roméo Dallaire
Interview with the commander of the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda in 1994.

Reports of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly

Reports of the Secretary-General to the Security Council

Reports of the Secretary-General to the Human Rights Council


Key Reports


Judicial Archives of the ICTR

M. Jean Paul Akayesu: Bourgmestre of the Taba commune during the 1994 genocide. He was the first convicted by the international court and his conviction was amended to include rape and sexual violence as crimes against humanity

M. Jean Kambanda: Prime Minister of the interim government of the Republic of Rwanda on 9 April 1994. He was convicted to life in prison in 1998 and it was the first time a head of government was convicted for the crime of genocide

M. Andre Rwamakuba: Minister of Primary and Secondary Education in Rwanda during the genocide

Media Case (2003): first judgment since the conviction of Julius Streicher at Nuremberg after World War II to examine the role of the media in the context of international criminal justice