Damas GisimbaLessons from a hero, a Hutu who chose not to take part in the killing of Tutsis, but instead saved lives.
UN System
- Press Release: The Secretary-General welcomes the launch of the inter-agency Atrocities Prevention Board by the United States
- UN News: UN Special Adviser welcomes start of trial against top Rwanda genocide suspect
- UNESCO: Critical thinking and learning about the past are key to preventing future genocides
- In Rwanda men work to change attitudes and confront gender-based violence
- Hirondelle News Agency - In English, French, Kinyarwanda, Swahili.
The Hirondelle News Agency in Arusha (Tanzania) has covered all major judiciary events related to the 1994 Rwandan genocide since 1996, mainly the proceedings of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), but also the Gacaca tribunals and the trials conducted according to classic justice procedures in Rwanda. - Internews - covers the trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and local genocide trials in Rwanda itself.
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