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The following presents an extract from the second interim report, prepared by the French Institute for the Environment (IFEN), containing the Introduction as well as Annex 2 and Annex 4. The Introduction includes references to other annexes from the report which are not available on this web site. Information on these annexes can be obtained by contacting IFEN:
Mr. Thierry Lavoux (Head of Department)
Head of Department "Studies and Synthesis"
French Institute for the Environment
61 Bd Alexandre Martin, 45 058 ORLEANS - FRANCE
The CSD indicator testing in France started in April 1997 with IFEN (French Institute for the Environment) as National Focal Point, and the Ministry of the Environment as the Coordinating organization.
The testing process was carried out in two phases :
a first working group was consulted to compare the methodology sheets with the definitions and the calculation methods traditionally used in France. The experts were also supposed to evaluate the quality of the methodology sheets.
a second working group was asked to evaluate the relevance and usefulness of the list of indicators for the decision-makers related to national context and priorities.
To help the experts through the process, standardized questionnaires have been elaborated by IFEN and the Ministry of the Environment, based on the guidelines provided by the DPCSD.
A Technical questionnaire (see annex 1) was elaborated, reviewing the different sections of the methodology sheets. It is constituted of four parts :
The Indicator methodology sheets and questionnaires attached (one for each indicator) were distributed to statistical experts, according to their fields of interest. The experts were selected for their knowledge of the different fields tackled by the sustainable development indicators. Most of them belong to the national institutions in charge of data collection, compilation and analysis, in economic, social and environmental spheres. The following organizations were consulted (see the complete list of organisms in annex 2) :
INSEE provided help for the coordination of this part of the testing process.
The sheets and questionnaires were sent in April 97, to the statistical experts. About 100 answers out of 134 have been returned to IFEN so far. It is expected that this part of the testing process will be achieved by the end of November, so as to compile the results by the end of the year.
To facilitate the implementation of this second phase of the testing process, IFEN partially translated the methodology sheets. Only the main paragraphs of the sheets corresponding to the relevance aspects of the indicator (« Definition » and « Significance/Policy Relevance ») were translated, so as to limit the translation burden and provide more synthetic information to the experts. The summarized and translated sheets were compiled in a document (« Traduction abrégée du Livre Bleu ») which is attached to this report in annex 3. It was decided to address the whole document to the different experts selected for this part of the test, so as to give them an overview of the list of indicators. Experts were requested to select the indicators they want to comment on and send back their remarks and proposals.
One hundred experts were chosen from: (see complete list in annex 4)
The document with guidelines for expertise attached were sent in early September. We hope to receive the answers by the end of November, in order to compile the results of the 2 phases of the test by the end of the year. At the same time, it is anticipated to set up a seminar with experts involved in the testing procedure, to validate the first annual report.
We hope to present the First Annual Report to the DPCSD at the beginning of 1998. The structure of the first substantive progress report will follow the Guidelines for National Testing, as approved by the Second International Workshop (Ghent, November 1996), and the format provided by the DPCSD in may 1997.
As requested, the structure of the report will distinguish :
A model of Indicator Report Sheet adapted for the French testing process is presented in annex 6.
Such a complex procedure, with two testing phases, requires an important follow up, but it is useful to provide a complete evaluation of the different aspects of indicators :
The first phase of the test enabled the identification of three groups of indicators :
The first results of the political test are leading to a pre-selection of the indicators corresponding to national priorities ; they also highlight key national issues which are lacking in the CSD working list.
The twinning process with Tunisia is starting now. A launch meeting is planned in December in Tunisia, where IFEN, in association with the Blue Plan, will present the first results of the exercice in France, to the institutions concerned. The modalities of the implementation of the testing procedure in Tunisia will be discussed as well.
The French Commission on Sustainable Development published in December 1996 a report presenting proposals for a sustainable development strategy.
Parallel to the testing of the CSD indicators, IFEN is leading a national project on indicators of sustainable development, whose objectives are the integration of the different dimensions of sustainable development, according to national priorities. Three working groups have been constituted, gathering scientific experts representing the various economic, social and environmental fields. This programme is just beginning. A report presenting the selection of indicators and the main conclusions will be published at the end of 1998.
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