Highlighting Dryland Forests at UNCCD COP16

Friday, 6 December 2024
1:00 p.m.  – 2:30 p.m. SAST
Room MET 8, Blue Zone


Concept Note

On 6 December 2024, the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat, in collaboration with the National Centre for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will host a side event titled Significance of Dryland Forests for Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality, Combating Biodiversity Loss, and Climate Change. The event, held during COP16 of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, aims to spotlight the critical role of dryland forests in tackling global challenges such as desertification, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

Importance of Dryland Forests
Drylands, covering 41% of the Earth’s surface, are home to unique ecosystems and over 2 billion people who rely on their resources. Despite their significance, drylands face severe challenges, including water scarcity, land degradation, and biodiversity threats. The side event will highlight how dryland forests contribute to livelihoods, ecological stability, and the achievement of global frameworks like the three Rio Conventions and the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030.

Expert Insights and Keynote Addresses
The event will be moderated by Ms. Juliette Biao, Director of the UN Forum on Forests Secretariat and will be opened with remarks from the UNFF, NCVC and UNCCD leadership. Feature keynote speeches by renowned experts, include:

  • Mr. Hosny El Lakany from the University of British Columbia
  • Ms. Rahma Jrais from King Khalid University
  • Mr. Fritjof Boerstler from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Lead of the GEF 7 Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes

The speakers will provide valuable insights into the ecological, economic, and cultural importance of dryland forests. Their presentations will emphasize the need for sustainable management and innovative approaches to address the challenges of these fragile ecosystems.

Interactive Discussions on Collaborative Solutions
A moderated debate will engage participants in exploring strategies to enhance conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of dryland forests. Key discussion points will include opportunities for mobilizing resources, addressing the needs of low forest cover countries, and strengthening international cooperation to safeguard dryland ecosystems.

Impact and Next Steps
The outcomes of this side event will inform discussions at the upcoming UNFF20 session, where recommendations will be presented under the agenda item “emerging issues.” This ensures continued focus on advancing the protection, sustainable use, and restoration of dryland forests, which are vital to achieving land degradation neutrality and global sustainability goals.

For more information, contact the UNFF Secretariat.