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Observances Bulletin Outreach Accessibility
United Nations : DESA : Gateway to Social Policy and Development : Persons with Disabilities
Internet Accessibility for the 21st Century : Accessibility 1998

Schedule for on-line sessions

The seminar covers four different concepts and techniques. It started with a review of techniques and technologies for distance collaboration. It will then look at the question of how to plan your use of the Internet to acquire and distribute information. It will then examine the issue of how to organize information in order to present it. And finally, it will look at how to design web sites so that they are completely accesssible to all.

The seminar is developing through four on-line "chat" sessions, using real-time text-based interaction. Each session is being held at 11 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (the time in New York City) on the following Tuesdays:

April 13: Distance collaboration with Matt Bonham (completed, see the log of the April 13 session)

April 20: Planning of Internet usage with John Mathiason (completed, see the log of the April 20 session)

April 27: Organizing of information and data bases with Chuck Kuhlman (completed, see the log of the April 27 session)

May 4: Design of accessible Web pages with Leo Valdes (completed, see the log of the May 4 session)

Participants are expected to download IRC software, which will be used for the chats. Information on this can be found at Matt Bonham's page in the seminar site.

In advance of each session, the facilitator will set up detailed material on the web site for participants to follow as preparation for participation. Each facilitator will notify participants when the material is ready.

Last updated on May 3, 1999