Implementation of the World Programme of Action
concerning Disabled Persons
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II. Overview of recent policy and programme activities
A. Activities of Governments
2. In paragraph 4 of its resolution 52/82, the General Assembly encouraged Governments
to examine key social and economic policy issues related to equalization of opportunities
for persons with disabilities, in particular (a) accessibility, (b) social services and
safety nets, and (c) employment and sustainable livelihoods. In response to a note
verbale, replies were received from 24 countries or areas: Armenia, Austria, Argentina,
Belarus, China, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region of China, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Malta, Mongolia, Norway,
Philippines, Republic of Moldova, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Uruguay. Information
provided suggests that much governmental action centres around formulation of national
plans of action and the establishment and strengthening of national coordinating bodies,
legislative measures and cultural activities, both to promote awareness of disability
issues and to engage persons with disabilities in cultural and social life.
1. Accessibility
3. Replies from States members of the European Union indicate that a number of national
codes have been adopted for accessibility and barrier-free environment based on the
principles of securing mobility and full accessibility for persons with disabilities. In
this regard, implementation of accessibility codes and regulations aims to create an
obstacle-free, safe environment for persons with disabilities. For instance, many roads
and public areas have been designed with a view to responding to the needs of persons with
disabilities. Most public buildings are now easily accessible to persons with disabilities
in Germany. In Austria, accessibility codes and regulations have been adopted, by which
architects and buildings engineers are required to receive training in accessibility
standards as parts of their professional qualifications. To meet the requirements for
persons with disabilities with regard to accessibility, Greece has enacted law 2430/96
implementing the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, stressing the
importance of integrating disability in the policies of the Government. In this regard, a
new institutional framework has been created to ensure equal opportunities for persons
with disabilities and to guarantee their equal rights in various aspects of social and
economic life. During the biennium 1998-1999, the reforms of the general building codes
were adopted to improve accessibility to public buildings and other public areas removing
architectural obstacles and barriers. New public transports provide full accessibility to
persons with disabilities. In Finland, the disability policy programme prepared by the
Finnish National Council on Disability in 1994-1995 is based upon the United Nations
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. In an
effort to enhance awareness and develop accessible transportation, the Ministry of the
Environment has set up working groups on accessibility and launched pilot efforts
throughout the country. Spain has created a special commission, whose functions encompass
the competencies of all Ministries of Government.
4. A number of countries or areas are addressing accessibility of persons with
disabilities by means of new legislative measures to change infrastructure in rural areas
as well as in urban communities, as reported by Armenia, Belarus, China, Cyprus, Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region of China, Israel, Japan, Malta, Mongolia, the Philippines,
and Singapore. For example, Belarus reports on modification of construction codes for
public areas, which build upon earlier national legislation on social protection and
rehabilitation of disabled persons. In Japan, governmental support has been given to
independent regional programmes to improve the well-being of people with disabilities.
Following the proclamation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
(1993-2002), the Government of Mongolia adopted in 1998 the national plan of action for
the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities 1999-2004. The Government of
China is improving environmental accessibility for persons with disabilities through
adoption of the design code of urban roads and buildings for the accessibility of persons
with disabilities; and barrier-free design has been introduced in the academic curriculum
of the construction design. The Ministry of Home Affairs of Malta recently declared that
all new public buildings of "major use" must be accessible, with immediate
effect; the Ministry also is speeding the process of implementing building regulations to
promote access for all.
5. The data indicate that countries in Latin America are emphasising the importance of
engaging persons with disabilities in all aspects of social life. Special committees have
been created in Argentina to improve the coordination of disability issues, in close
cooperation with the governmental and non-governmental communities; and catalytic
activities are being undertaken in such areas as transportation, housing and
2. Social safety nets and social services
6. Replies from Governments suggest concern with establishing legal protection and
guarantees regarding social safety nets for persons with disabilities. The replies also
indicate a focus on medical, social and psychological rehabilitation services to improve
the lives and well-being of persons with disabilities. The Government of the Republic of
Moldova reports on the development of social networks, involving both governmental and
non-governmental bodies and organizations, and the decentralizing of social services for
persons with disabilities. The Government of Armenia reports that it has taken numerous
measures to guarantee a social safety net for persons with disabilities.
7. Innovative arrangements by many Governments have been introduced to provide for
long-term care through a combination of benefits in cash and in kind. These may be
provided as an integral part of social services, such as measures to assist persons with
disabilities to participate in community life. Other approaches include legislation and
measures to promote social integration of persons with disabilities. For instance, in
Georgia, legislation has been adopted on medical and social expertise concerning persons
with disabilities. The Philippines promotes policies on access to education, health care,
professional training, and information towards the integration of the concerns of persons
with disabilities in various agenda and plans. The Ministry of Health of Israel reports
that it has enriched rehabilitation services for persons with mental disabilities,
occupational rehabilitation, and social and housing services. The Government of Honduras
is supporting the introduction of classes on rehabilitation and disability in the
curriculum of the primary and secondary schools as well as in the universities.
8. The Government of Sweden reports that in many respects, Swedish society has become
more accessible to persons with disabilities over the last decade, mainly through the
development of the general welfare system, which takes specially directed efforts to
advance the status of persons with disabilities. In Norway, the main goal of Government
policy concerning persons with disabilities is full participation and equality. Disability
is integrated in the policy-making of all branches of the Government and is not
exclusively a question of health and social affairs. The Government of Singapore has also
adopted the goal of full participation of persons with disabilities and equality.
Singapore has initiated several measures based on the principle that the care and welfare
of persons with disabilities should be the concern of the family, the community and the
Government. To further implement the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled
Persons, Uruguay focuses on promoting equalization of opportunities for persons with
disabilities, and has created a national commission for persons with disabilities to
pursue the goal of raising public awareness and integrating persons with disabilities in
3. Employment and sustainable livelihoods
9. Replies suggest a number of innovative measures taken to integrate persons with
disabilities in a social and economic life. For instance, several countries or areas
reported on recently enacted legislation or amendments concerning the employment of
persons with disabilities. For example, Austrian policies are based on the equalization of
opportunities for persons with disabilities and their integration into the mainstream
labour market. Germany reports that persons with disabilities are guaranteed to enjoy a
"social right", independent of the cause of their disability, to be secure of
their place within the community, particularly in employment. In Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, the Equal Opportunities Commission, a statutory body, promotes
equalization of opportunities, inter alia, by means of assisting in advocacy, monitoring
and initiating catalytic actions within the framework of relevant legislative instruments.
The Parliament of Greece enacted law 2643/98 to promote employment of persons with
disabilities in the public and private sectors. The law provides an innovative ways for
persons with disabilities to be part of the mainstream workforce and strengthens
opportunities for self-employment through subsidy programmes. The Government of Cyprus
reports on the recent adoption of a policy to promote full and equal participation of
persons with disabilities in the social and economic life of the country. In Mexico, a new
programme of scholarships was designed for persons with disabilities to facilitate their
integration in the labour market during their unemployment.
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B. Activities of the United Nation system
10. Within the United Nations Secretariat, the Division for the Advancement of Women of
the United Nations Secretariat reports that, at its forty-second session, in 1998, the
Commission on the Status of Women considered a report on older women and support systems
(E/CN.6/1998/6), which noted that women aged 65 and above could expect to spend a greater
portion of their remaining years with functional disabilities than men and the need for
specialized support systems. In its conclusions on the issue of "violence against
women", the Commission recognized that women and girls with disabilities, among other
priority groups, could be particularly affected by violence and recommended development of
special assistance programmes. At its forty-third session, in 1999, the Commission
considered the critical area of "women and health". In its agreed conclusions,
the Commission recommended, inter alia, that special attention be accorded to women with
disabilities to empower them to lead independent lives.1
The Department of Public Information and the system of United Nations information centres
report organizing periodically book exhibitions and lectures, seminars and special events
to publicize activities of the United Nations to promote equalization of opportunities of
persons with disabilities. The United Nations Radio Service has produced more than 11
radio magazines on selected disability issues; and the United Nations Visitors Service has
ensured that the public tour route at the New York Headquarters is accessible. The
Department distributes its guide to the United Nations buildings and services for persons
with disabilities at all major meetings and briefings at Headquarters. Since the adoption
of the "Habitat Agenda",2 the United
Nations Centre for Human Settlements has intensified activities related to persons with
disabilities. Its journal Habitat Debate (vol. 4, No. 4, 1998) had the theme "Cities
for all", and included an article entitled "Disabled but not unable".
Promotion and protection of the human rights of persons with disabilities is an important
element in the mandate of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights. The High Commissioner cooperates with the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the
Commission for Social Development. In its resolution 1998/13, the Commission on Human
Rights expressed concern that the situation of armed conflict has devastating consequences
for the human rights of persons with disabilities, and encouraged non-governmental
organizations to cooperate closely and provide information to the concerned human rights
monitoring bodies and the Office of the High Commissioner.
11. The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) reports that at a subregional follow-up
conference to the World Summit for Social Development that it organized in cooperation
with the United Nations Development Programme, participants recommended, inter alia,
enhanced social protection systems for vulnerable people including persons with
disabilities. ECA reports that member States in eastern and southern Africa have
instituted measures to protect and create employment opportunities for vulnerable groups,
including persons with disabilities. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (ESCAP) has created a Web page on the Internet on the Asian and Pacific Decade of
Disabled Persons (1993-2002) at:
ESCAP supports the Agenda for Action of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled
Persons (1993-2002) through close collaboration with the Subcommittee on
Disability-related Concerns of the Regional Inter-Agency Committee for Asia and the
Pacific (RICAP). The Subcommittee meets biannually as a consultative forum, with working
group meetings convened to develop joint action on priority issues. Subcommittee efforts
have resulted in (a) formulation of targets for implementation of the Agenda for Action;
and (b) identification of annual Decade campaigns, hosted by an ESCAP member Government,
and projects to address critical regional issues and promote full participation and
equality of persons with disabilities. ESCAP has directed special attention to promotion
of accessible environments in its support of the Decade. During 1998, ESCAP issued a
revised edition of its guidelines on promotion of non-handicapping physical environments.
In cooperation with the International Labour Organization (ILO), ESCAP organized a
regional technical consultation on developing effective placement services for persons
with disabilities (Singapore, March 1999). The Economic and Social Commission for Western
Asia (ESCWA) co-organized, with the Saudi Center for the Rehabilitation and Training of
Blind Girls at Amman, a vocational training project to upgrade the skills of blind girls
and women in the ESCWA region. The Center now is a permanent regional training facility
with high quality technical equipment. Thirty-nine Arab blind girls and women have been
trained to date in basic computer skills; a training manual has been published in Braille,
Arabic and English. As discussed in more detail in the following section, ESCWA cooperated
with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Lebanon and the Lebanese Company for Development
and Reconstruction of Beirut Central District (SOLIDERE) to publish Accessibility for the
Disabled: A Design Manual for a Barrier-free Environment (Beirut, SOLIDERE, 1998). The
Manual documents planning for reconstruction and development of a barrier-free Beirut
central district. United Nations headquarters at Beirut was designed and constructed in
accordance with accessibility standards discussed in the Manual.
12. Treaty bodies of the United Nations system continue with their efforts to improve
the situation and human rights of persons with disabilities. The Committee on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights considers the situation of persons with disabilities in the
general trend of development and discusses promotion and protection of their rights (see
E/1999/22). The Committee on the Rights of the Child examines the situation of children
with disabilities while considering reports of States Parties (see A/53/41). The Committee
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted general
recommendation No. 24 on article 12 (Women and health) of the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at its twentieth session in 1999,
which acknowledges that women with disabilities often do not have physical access to
health services. The Committee noted that States Parties should take appropriate measures
to ensure that health services are sensitive to needs of women with disabilities and
respectful of their human rights and dignity.
13. Among the funds, programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nations system,
the United Nations Children's Fund reports that it is directing special attention to
disability prevention and to the care and protection of children with disabilities. Major
progress is reported in addressing vitamin A deficiency, a leading cause of blindness,
mental retardation and stunting; in accelerating polio vaccination; and in preventive
measures for elimination of guinea worm. Efforts also focused on improving access to basic
education and community-based services for children with disabilities, which included (a)
training teachers in Mali to detect disability among school children, assisting teacher
training in Bosnia and Herzegovina; (b) conducting a national disability study in the
Gambia; (c) assisting studies on childhood disability in Armenia, Jordan, Rwanda, the
Syrian Arab Republic, and the United Republic of Tanzania; (d) supporting a pilot
initiative to include children with disabilities in mainstream schools in the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Egypt undertook an evaluation of United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF)-supported community rehabilitation efforts for children with disabilities.
UNICEF continued support of mine-awareness programmes in several countries. The Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched on 28 May 1999 a World Wide
Web-enabled database on the rural disabled located at the following location:
The aim of the database is to provide users with access to selected information on the
rural disability issues worldwide. FAO observed the 1998 International Day of Disabled
Persons, on 3 December, with a seminar in cooperation with the Italian Red Cross on the
theme "Anti-personnel mines: a major cause of handicaps; what can we do about
it?". The International Civil Aviation Organization continues development of
international standards and recommended practices, which address accessibility by persons
with disabilities in all aspects of the air transport chain. The standards require
contracting States to take all necessary steps to ensure that persons with disabilities
have adequate access to all air services. The International Labour Organization reports
that an emerging area of concern is rapid responses to employment needs of persons with
disabilities in countries emerging from armed conflict. The ILO code of practice on the
management of disability-related issues in the workplace, scheduled for completion by
2000, combines all areas of ILO action on disability issues and provides guidance on
effective management concerning disability issues. In connection with preparations for the
upcoming global conference on the theme "Education for all: assessment 2000",
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will include
a thematic study entitled "inclusive education" to highlight developments
worldwide over the past 10 years with respect to the participation of disabled learners in
education. The disability and rehabilitation programme of the World Health Organization
(WHO) reports special attention is directed to low-income countries in its global
disability and rehabilitation activities. WHO established in 1998 a global network for
monitoring disability issues and trends in rehabilitation. During 1998, WHO initiated
cooperation with the Special Rapporteur on disability of the Commission for Social
Development to collect information for monitoring the implementation of four of the
Standard Rules - medical care, rehabilitation, support services and personnel training.
WHO circulated for comments during 1999 its draft "policy on disability" that
addresses medical and social aspects of disability.
14. The World Bank reports that it has identified a total of 11 ongoing projects, as
well as several others in the pipeline, that directly benefit persons with disabilities,
and is currently preparing a brochure on this topic for public distribution. A major goal
of the World Bank is to raise the quality and quantity of Bank products serving persons
with disabilities, which is to include strengthening the link between the United Nations
Standard Rules and the poverty alleviation mission of the Bank.
15. Inter-agency cooperation during the period under review was task-based and involved
projects of interest to selected programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nation
system. For instance, UNICEF and WHO report co-sponsoring training workshops for East and
West Africa (Zimbabwe and Benin, respectively) on community-based rehabilitation. UNICEF
and UNESCO collaborated in the organization of an international consultation on
"Early childhood education and special educational needs". ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF
and WHO co-sponsored a Central Asia subregional seminar on the theme "Multi-sectoral
collaboration for equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities" at
Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
16. The International Initiative Against Avoidable Disability (IMPACT) is a joint
initiative and continues under co-sponsorship of the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), WHO and UNICEF. IMPACT reports that its current priorities include: immunization
in areas of low coverage; control of disabling consequences of micro-nutrient deficiency;
safe motherhood initiatives, including the training of traditional birth attendants; early
identification, treatment and curative interventions; and research on the link between
disability and ageing.
17. On 15 and 16 June 1999, UNDP convened at Geneva an inter-agency consultation on
disability, with representatives of selected United Nations programmes and specialized
agencies, the World Bank and the Special Rapporteur on disability of the Commission for
Social Development. However, a report on the proceedings and the results of the
consultation have yet to be issued.
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C. Activities of non-governmental organizations
18. Inclusion International, which is concerned with intellectual disability issues,
supports its membership by focusing on human rights issues, organizing seminars and
conferences in developing countries, and promoting information exchanges. Inclusion
International representatives participated in discussions on the design of policies on
bio-ethical concerns, family support, inclusive education, employment and health
promotion. The International Disability Foundation (IDF) reports that its advocacy and
action programme directs special attention to increase awareness and support for
implementation of the United Nations Standard Rules in developing countries. IDF used the
occasion of the 1998 observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons to launch its
World Disability Report. The World Blind Union (WBU) is developing strategic options to
address the full spectrum of blindness, such as youth, blind women, the elderly and the
multiple handicapped. International and regional WBU leaders have been contributing to the
implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (1993-2002). The World
Federation of the Deafblind was established in 1997 with the objective of advancing the
rights of deafblind persons at the international level. Information is disseminated
through publication of The International Newsletter of the Deafblind. As a result of its
promotional efforts, the World Federation reports increased interest in deafblind issues;
for instance several Latin American countries have formed national organizations. The
World Federation is scheduled to hold its first General Assembly in 2001, in connection
with the sixth Helen Keller World Conference on the Deafblind. The World Federation of the
Deaf cooperated substantively with a number of international organizations, including the
UNDP assistive technology project.
19. The Open-ended International Working Group on Disability and Development represents
a hybrid form of cooperation between the non-governmental community, bilateral donor
agencies and interested international organizations. The Working Group was established
following the 1997 Global Workshop on Children with Disabilities in Developing Countries
(Washington, D.C., 5-7 February 1997), which was co-financed by the United Nations
Voluntary Fund on Disability.3 The Division for Social Policy and Development represents
the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in meetings of the Working Group and
provided a venue for its spring 1998 meeting. UNESCO provided the venue for the April 1999
meeting of the Working Group.
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1 See Economic and Social Council, Official Records, 1999, Supplement No. 7
(E/1999/27), chap. I.
2 Report of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II),
Istanbul, 3-14 June 1996 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.97.IV.6), chap. I,
resolution 1, annex II.
3 The report of the workshop is available at:
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