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UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality


Documents and contributions
NGO Participation
Informal briefing on the Ad Hoc Committee, 6 August 2002, United Nations, New York :

Norwegian Trust Fund for Disability and Development (NTFDD)

The Norwegian Trust Fund for Disability and Development (NTFDD) makes funds available to World Bank staff for the following four activities.

Inclusion Fund.

The Inclusion Fund makes it possible for World Bank projects officers to hire consultants to help build disability dimensions into their projects. Projects officers compete for these funds, and since funds are limited, only one consultant per project is supported.

Household Surveys.

Data on disability are extremely weak. The NTFDD supports survey research on disability in developing countries in order to develop a foundation of facts about disability.

Country Studies.

The NTFDD supports one or more country studies of disability and development per year. Country studies could include a disability profile; an analysis of existing labor market conditions as they apply to people with disabilities; an assessment of access to education, health and other social services; an evaluation of social protection measures for people with disabilities; and a collection of recommendations to encourage diversity, increase the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of life, and address disability issues in the country's World Bank project portfolio. The Asian Development Bank has supported three country studies of disability in 2002; adding World Bank country studies will provide a collection of comparisons that will facilitate policy development.

Partnerships Activities.

The NTFDD supports the participation of the World Bank in international conferences on disability and development and World Bank sponsorship of regional conferences on disability and development. This enables the World Bank to learn about the successes and failures of other organizations and to share its own lessons of experience.

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Social Policy and Development