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Information Note for NGOs

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Participation in the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral
International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of
the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities

Seventh Session
16 January - 03 February 2006



• Applying for Accreditation

• Pre-registration

• Visas

• Financial Assistance

Participation of NGOs

By its resolution A/56/168 establishing the Ad Hoc Committee, the General Assembly invited, inter alia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with an interest in the matter to make contribution to the work entrusted to the Committee, based on the practice of the United Nations. Participation by NGOs in the work of the Committee is regulated by General Assembly resolution A/56/510.

The present Information Note provides guidelines for non-governmental organizations interested in attending the seventh session of the Ad Hoc Committee. It contains information on accreditation, pre-registration and other participation procedures.

NGOs wishing to participate in the work of the Committee need:

  • to be accredited (once for all) or to enjoy consultative status with the Economic and Social Council;
  • to pre-register for each session of the Committee and;
  • to register on the first day of each session.

Participation means the actual involvement of NGOs in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee during its public meetings. Involvement of NGOs usually means making oral statements in accordance with rules and procedures.

In the report of its first session (document A/57/357), the Ad Hoc Committee set modalities for participation of accredited NGOs in its open meetings. The Ad Hoc Committee decided that representatives from accredited NGOs may participate in the work of the Committee by:

  • Attending any public meetings of the Committee
  • Making oral statements, subject to availability of time and in accordance with United Nations practice, as well as submitting written statements
  • If time is limited, a spokesperson may be selected on a balanced and transparent basis, considering equitable geographical representation, and the diversity of NGOs
  • Receiving copies of the official documents, as well as making written or other presentations. Written presentations shall not be issued as official documents except in accordance with ECOSOC resolution 1996/31.
  • NGOs may make their material available to delegations in accessible areas designated by the Secretariat.

In the annex III of the report of its fourth session (document A/59/360), the Ad Hoc Committee set modalities for the participation of accredited NGOs and National Human Rights Institutions in its informal consultations closed meetings during the fourth and fifth session. The Ad Hoc Committee decided to invite intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and National Human Rights Institutions to be present. The Committee, however, also made provisions for the fact that meetings closed to those organizations might be required at some point.


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Applying for Accreditation

Accreditation is the formal process by which NGOs are allowed to participate in the work of the Ad Hoc Committee. Accreditation is granted to organizations and not to individuals. NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) are automatically accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee. However, they should pre-register for each session. All other NGOs must apply for accreditation in order to participate in the sessions of the Committee. Accreditation to the Committee need only be done once and applies for all sessions.

List of NGOs Accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee

There is no form for applying for accreditation. NGOs wishing to be accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee should submit an application package containing the following information:

  1. The purpose of the organization;
  2. Information as to the programmes and activities of the organization in areas relevant to the Ad Hoc Committee and the country or countries in which they are carried out. Non-governmental organizations seeking accreditation shall be asked to confirm their interest in the goals and objectives of the Committee;
  3. Confirmation of the activities of the organization at the national, regional or international level;
  4. Copies of the annual or other reports of the organization with financial statements, and a list of financial sources and contributions, including governmental contributions;
  5. A list of members of the governing body of the organization and their countries of nationality;
  6. A description of the membership of the organization, indicating the total number of members, the names of organizations that are members and their geographical distribution;
  7. A copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization.

The application package, with complete information, should be sent by all NGOs, except those NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC or those already accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee at its previous sessions. It is recommended that express mail and courier service be used to maintain the strict deadlines for accreditation. Please note that the application package should be sent to the Chief of the NGO Unit Division for Social Policy and Development (see address below).

The United Nations Secretariat reviews applications against criteria outlined in paragraphs 44-45 of ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, and provides a list of NGOs seeking accreditation to States members of the Ad Hoc Committee four weeks prior to each session of Committee to receive their comments.

Please note that the deadline for submitting an application for accreditation to the seventh session is 1 December 2005.

Kindly submit your Application Packages to:

Mr. Yao Ngoran, Chief, NGO Unit
Division for Social Policy and Development
2 United Nations Plaza
Room DC2-1376
New York, NY 10017
Tel.: 1 (212) 963 3175
Fax: 1 (212) 963 3062


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Accreditation is granted once and applies to all future sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee. However, NGOs need to pre-register for each session of the Ad hoc Committee. Pre-registration should be done at least one month before the session begins. A letter is sent to the NGO confirming each representative’s participation.  The Secretariat does not send messages (by e-mail or fax) to acknowledge receipt of pre-registration forms, except the confirmation letter.  NGO representatives should be patient and allow to Secretariat Staff time for the completion of their pre-registration.


Registration is a necessary step for all representatives of NGOs attending meetings organized by the United Nations. Issuance of ground-passes for NGO representatives is conditioned upon registration. NGO representatives in possession of annual ground-passes should also register. The process of pre-registration and registration allows for proper planning to address accessibility, logistical and security concerns.

Please use the following pre-registration application forms for each session:

Pre-registration form for the Seventh Session: MS Word 


Kindly submit your Pre-registration Application to:

Mr. Yao Ngoran, Chief, NGO Unit
Division for Social Policy and Development
2 United Nations Plaza
Room DC2-1376
New York, NY 10017
Tel.: 1 (212) 963 3175
Fax: 1 (212) 963 3062


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Arrangements for travel, including visa procedures, accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of NGOs and not of the United Nations Secretariat. NGOs need to deal directly with representatives of the host Government. The United Nations will send a confirmation letter to accredited NGOs, once their representatives have completed the process of pre-registration. This may be used to request a visa from the United States authorities.  The Secretariat is in no position to assist in the visa process.

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Financial assistance

By its resolution A/57/229, the General Assembly established a Voluntary Fund to support the participation of accredited NGOs from developing countries, in particular from the least developed countries, and invited Governments, civil society and the private sector to contribute to the fund.

Please note that only representatives of NGOs accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee or holding consultative status with ECOSOC, from developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, can apply for funding.

Note: The deadline for application for financial assistance to the seventh session is 20 November 2005.

Applications for funding should be addressed to:

Global Programme on Disability
Inclusive Development Section
Division for Social Policy and Development/DESA
United Nations Secretariat, DC2-1382, New York, NY 10017
Fax. 1 (212) 963 0111

(If you do not receive a reply acknowledging the receipt of your application within 7 working days, you are advised to kindly resubmit it)

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