Partnership Events
- Addendum: Compilation of Partnership Events and Commitments (as of 3pm, 25 September, based on submissions received from the organizers)
- Compilation of Partnership Events and Commitments (as of 5pm, 24 September, based on submissions received from the organizers)
Press Releases
The following documents were issued by the event organizers. The United Nations is not responsible for the content.
- After high-level Millennium Development Goals meeting, civil society pledges more vigilant monitoring of commitments made by governments
- UN reform for the MDGs gets a US $275 million boost from Spain, Norway and the United Kingdom
- World Leaders Commit Record Billions to Tackle Malaria - Funding to support ambitious new Global Malaria Action Plan to reduce malaria deaths in Africa to near zero by 2015
- Religious leaders call to eliminate poverty through the MDGs
- Accelerating efforts to save the lives of women and newborns - Joint statement on behalf of the UNICEF, United Nations Population Fund, the World Bank and WHO
- WFP, Gates Foundation, Buffett Foundation launch initiative to help poor farmers
- Award winners prove that fighting poverty is good for business -- New Initiatives unveiled as part of Business Call to Action
- Business Leaders to Build New Partnerships to Fight Hunger and Advance Millennium Development Goals
- "Water and Sanitation for All"
Media Advisories
The following
documents were issued by the event organizers.
The United Nations is not responsible for the content.
- World Leaders to announce billions of dollars in new malaria commitments: Launch of the Global Malaria Action Plan
- Water and Sanitation for All
- UN Private Sector Forum - "The Millennium Development Goals and Food Sustainability" - Agenda
- Consultation between Heads of State and Religious Leaders on Eliminating Poverty through the MDGs
- Consultation between Heads of State and Religious Leaders on Eliminating Poverty through the MDGs -- Agenda
- Maternal Health: Keep the Heart of the MDGs Pumping
- UNDP shines spotlight on Millennium Develoment Goals -- Side events underline aid challenges, role of private sector in effort to meet global poverty targets
- Diverse Groups from around the world gather in New York to challenge world leaders on the Millennium Development Goals
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Global Partners to Expand Efforts to Meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals
- "Class of 2015: Education for All"
- MDG on Reducing Biodiversity Loss and the CBD’s 2010 Target
- Launch of the UN inter-agency report on "Millennium Development Goals: Towards the achievement of the right to health in Latin America and the Caribbean"
- The UN Private Sector Forum
- Smallholder Farmers Hold Solutions to Global Food Crisis
- Civil Society to be Represented at the High-level Event on the MDGs
- The 2008 World Business and Development Awards Ceremony
- Launch of “Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World"
Background Documents
The following
documents were issued by the event organizers.
The United Nations is not responsible for the content.
- How poor people and citizens' groups think the MDGs can be achieved - Compiled by the UN Millennium Campaign and partners
- Business Call to Action
- Food Sustainability - A guide to private sector action
- The United Nations and the Private Sector
- The UN and the private sector: Meet the consumer today’s business needs to targe
- “Climate Change and Development: Progress on Finance for Adaptation”
The following
documents were issued by the event organizers.
The United Nations is not responsible for the content.
- To achieve the MDGs: CTT (Currency Transaction Tax) for FfD (Financing for Development)
- MDG on Reducing Biodiversity Loss and the CBD’s 2010 Target
- UN System Coherence to Achieve MDG 6
- The MDGs Equity Challenge
View the list of events
Download the latest information about the various partnership events taking place around the High-level Event: Calendar of Events [PDF]
Register your event
If you are organizing a partnership event to support the High-level Event, please complete this registration form and return it by fax or email to the address indicated.
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