Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Picturing Freshwater Justice in Rural Australia

Organization: Centre for Comparative Water Polices and Laws, University of South Australia

The Agricultural industry in Australia plays a huge role in the economy. Agriculture has also been important in creating and stabilising many small farming communities. Towns situated all around Australia depend on agriculture for their survival. Many see these ‘bush towns’ as a symbol of Australia’s identity.

15 irrigators and five policy makers, in two New South Wales and South Australia regions, wrote diary entries and photographed their lives over four months for this project.

The participants have all been affected by severe long-term water shortages, conflicts between water users, and also policy changes, all of which have affected the amount of water they can use. Current Australian water policy requires regional water plans, and the management of water to achieve sustainable development, which is to balance economic, environment and social concerns.

Keywords: food security

Location: Australia, Oceania

Corresponding websites:

>> More information about the initiativePDF document

Dispersion: Thoughts on the Decade

>> Voices of experts
>> Voices from business
>> Voices from the civil society
>> Voices from the field: case studies

Knowledge Bank: Learning from cases all over the world

>> Africa
>> Asia and the Pacific
>> Europe
>> Latin America and the Caribbean
>> Middle East
>> Oceania

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>> Decade’s achievements. From MDGs to SDGs
>> Five years of UN-Water "Water for Life" Awards 2011-2015PDF document
>> Water for Life VoicesPDF document