Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Rainwater harvesting programme, Uganda

Organization: Katosi Women’s Development Trust (KWDT), Women for Water

KWDT started a rainwater-harvesting programme using a revolving scheme, to allow as many people to have access to water at home as possible. KWDT empowers women to engage in agriculture and provides a microcredit system and entrepreneurial support so they can take control of their lives.

KWDT’s Water, hygiene and sanitation programme supports and promotes domestic and communal rain water harvesting through the construction of -Ferro cement tanks, community shallow wells and spring wells, construction of Ventilated Improved Pit latrines (VIP) and Ecological sanitation (Ecosan) latrines for households and schools, construction of facilities to improve hygiene and sanitation at households and schools and by establishing schools health and sanitation clubs. It also equips women with knowledge and skills to improve hygiene and sanitation in their household and in the community and engages in local management, construction of wells/tanks, operation and maintenance of water, hygiene and sanitation facilities.

KWDT supports women to engage in fish farming, acquire hybrid animals and farm inputs that enable practice of organic farming, engage in diverse but complementary agriculture production (mushroom, Beekeeping, horticulture, agro forestry), and promote permaculture in schools. It also supports processing of agricultural produce to add value and shelf life, cooperative marketing and acquisition of inputs and equips women with knowledge and skills to practice sustainable agriculture.

The microcredit programme supports and promotes savings among rural women, access to credit and training for members in book-keeping and records management.

KWDT supports women into enterprises by initiating income generating activities that create employment opportunities for women, training women in book-keeping, records management and entrepreneurial skills and providing advice and support to women on financial matters. It also mentors women to participate in decision making processes. Further programmes aim to tackle HIV/AIDS and sanitation related diseases and infant, reproductive and maternal health.

Keywords: access to water, gender and water, empowering communities

Location: Uganda, Africa

Corresponding websites:

>> Rehema Bavuma of Katosi Women Development Trust (Uganda) on World Toilet Day 2013
>> Enhance community capacity to increase access to clean safe water through the ISSB Rainwater Harvesting Tank and sustainably manage WASH facilities
>> The Tank Revolving Scheme: accelerating self supply in Mukono, Uganda
>> Katosi Women’s Development Trust (KWDT) programmes and activities
>> Women for Water Partnership website

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>> Decade’s achievements. From MDGs to SDGs
>> Five years of UN-Water "Water for Life" Awards 2011-2015PDF document
>> Water for Life VoicesPDF document