Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Typhoon Pablo Disaster Response in Albay, Philippines

Organization: Team Albay-OCD Bicol Humanitarian Mission

Through stress debriefing and psycho social conduct, disaster responders from Team Albay-OCD Bicol who conducted humanitarian mission dubbed as ‘Tabang Tugang MindaNow’ in 2012 shared their disaster expertise among the typhoon stricken communities of Davao.

The psycho-social events conducted by the provincial social welfare component of the Team Albay-OCD5 of the mercy mission here were conducted through games and entertainment to educate the public and achieve the zero casualty goals under the government's disaster risk reduction management and mitigation measures. Free toys, slippers, umbrellas, clothes, basic needs for children, and foods were given to typhoon victims of Cateel as they go for psycho social events and disaster risk reduction onsite lessons here.

The towns of Boston, Cateel and Baganga, which are facing the Pacific Ocean, have little safe grounds making it hard for communities to take shelter in the event of natural calamities specifically typhoons. The terrain, specifically the soil components, is considered delicate and in danger of collapsing with persisting massive deforestation. Typhoon Pablo is the second strongest typhoon that hit Central and Southern Mindanao since 1912.

The humanitarian team conducting the psycho-social care for children in Davao Oriental helped ease the trauma affecting survivors. Salceda said the mercy mission from Albay will continue in Davao Oriental and earlier called for the establishment of a national coordinating group for relief and early recovery and rehabilitation of affected areas. He said this will ensure effective mobilization, fair allocation and efficient utilization of resources and coordinate private sector engagement.

The Team Albay-OCD5 is headed by Cedric Daep, chief of the Albay Provincial Safety and Emergency Management Office (APSEMO). The mercy mission first headed to New Bataan and proceeded to the towns of Boston, Cateel and Bangaga where help is urgently needed as all residents were heavily affected and government structures totally flattened.

The Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) unit of the team immediately provided 17,500 litres of drinking water to victims during its first two days in Boston. Team Albay has received 11 Bayaning Likas awards this year for its emergency response feats. (PNA)

Keywords: water and disasters.

Location: The Philippines, Asia and the Pacific

Corresponding websites:

>> Albay sharing disaster expertise in Davao Oriental

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