Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Providing safe water in Gaza

Organization: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

50 percent of Gaza’s population of 102,000 people are seeing a life-changing improvement in the water supply, after eight years of constant shortages.

Water and sanitation services are poor in Gaza and present supplies barely meet the needs of the Palestinian people. Over 13 percent of the population currently does not have access to running water and many of the existing water facilities are dilapidated. Water quality is very poor: only seven percent of the water supplied for domestic use meets World Health Organization standards.

UNDP has completed over 200 water supply and sanitation projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Projects ranged from strengthening water and sanitation authorities to the construction of water supply and distribution networks, storage reservoirs and house connections.

Keywords: access to water, open defecation, refugees, water and energy, water scarcity.

Location: Gaza, Middle East

Corresponding websites:

>> Providing safe water in Gaza

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>> Decade’s achievements. From MDGs to SDGs
>> Five years of UN-Water "Water for Life" Awards 2011-2015PDF document
>> Water for Life VoicesPDF document