Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project

Organization: World Bank

The development objectives of the Water Security and Climate Resilience Project for Kenya are to (i) increase availability and productivity of irrigation water for project beneficiaries; and (ii) enhance the institutional framework and strengthen capacity for water security and climate resilience for the country. The project has three components. The first component is water resources development. This component will support climate resilience and water security for economic growth by financing water investments and by progressively building a longer-term investment pipeline. This component has following two sub-components: water sector investments; and water investment pipeline. The second component is effective water sector institutions. It will support the current sector institutions, as well as the preparation, implementation and full functioning of the new; legal and institutional framework resulting from alignments with the Constitution of Kenya 2010. It will also support integrated and participatory basin planning, including developing the requisite knowledge base and building capacity and institutional partnerships for effective water management and planning. The overall objective of this component will be to strengthen the enabling institutional and legal framework to sustainably advance Kenya's vast water sector investment program in order to achieve water security and climate resilience. It has following two sub-components: (i) support for water sector transition and reforms and (ii) strengthening water management and planning. The third component is support for project implementation. This component will support the establishment of the Project Management Unit (PMU) to provide for effective project implementation through the completion of the First Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project (KWSCRP-1) and throughout the reform period. This component will finance the required office space, goods (e.g., vehicles), equipment (e.g., computers), staff, consultant services, travel, training and operating costs that will allow the PMU to carry out its responsibilities for project implementation.

Keywords: access to water, empowering communities, sustainable development.

Location: Kenya, Africa

Corresponding websites:

>> Video: Enhanced resilience to disaster risk, conflict and climate change project in Turkana
>> Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project

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>> Five years of UN-Water "Water for Life" Awards 2011-2015PDF document
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