Water for Life Voices

Knowledge Bank. Community gardens bring life to rural Senegal

Organization: Yakaar Africa

To alleviate severe malnutrition, Yakaar Africa NGO is launching a network of community gardens in villages. There are now 30 gardens in the network. This network relies mainly on the use of water resources that were not previously accessible because the population couldn’t afford them.

This projects aims at dealing with the serious problems related to anemia and malnutrition among children and women. The problem lay in the diet of the population, based almost exclusively on products rich in carbohydrates like millet and rice but virtually devoid of protein.

To improve nutrition Yakaar made gardens and a community farm in each of the villages, and have formed an association to share produce. This allowed them to grow high-protein foods that serve to provide a balanced diet for the population.

The orchards and farms are conceived as self-sustaining, so that after the implementation phase, they are able to ensure their conservation and maintenance in proper conditions over time.

At present the project is located in the towns of Boundoukoundy, Lougue, Nathia, Thiabedji, Silling, Ndebou, Patassi, Ibel, Tepere Diantoum.

Keywords: access to water, food security.

Location: Senegal, Africa

Corresponding websites:

>> Yakaar Africa website
>> Huertas y granjas en el área de BandafassiAvailable in Spanish

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